Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2005 Initiative Analysis: The High Quality Classroom Act.

The monies in this fund would be “continuously appropriated”—that is, appropriated automatically each year without the need for further legislative act ion.   Education Expenditure Provisions K-12 Education.

[PDF] The High Quality Classroom Act.

The monies in this fund would be “continuously appropriated”—that is, appropriated automatically each year without the need for further legislative action. Education Expenditure Provisions K-12 Education.

[PDF] California Spending Limit Restoration Act

Effects on Proposition 98 School Funding. Over the long term, the Proposition 98 guarantee would grow more slowly under this measure because of the change in the cost-of-living factor. Effects on Bond Issuance.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The High Quality Classroom Act.

The monies in this fund would be “continuously appropriated”—that is, appropriated automatically each year without the need for further legislative act ion. Education Expenditure Provisions K-12 Education.

[PDF] The High Quality Classroom Act.

The monies in this fund would be “continuously appropriated”—that is, appropriated automatically each year without the need for further legislative action. Education Expenditure Provisions K-12 Education.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Excellence in Teaching Act

Under existing law, certificated school district employees, such as teachers and administrators, may attain permanent status after serving two school years in a certificated pos ition. Existing law also requires school districts to establish evaluation processes and assess the performance of probationary certificated employees annually and permanent cer tificated employees at least every other year.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Corporate Tax Accountability Act

The measure establishes that any special CT provision adopted (or expanded) after January 1 of the year that the measure goes into effect would be repealed after five years unless reenacted for one or more subsequent five-year periods.

[PDF] Corporate Tax Accountability Act

The measure establishes that any special CT provision adopted (or expanded) after January 1 of the year that the measure goes into effect would be repealed after five years unless reenacted for one or more subsequent five-year periods.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Safe and Affordable Prescription Drug Act

Participation in the program would be open to California residents in a family with an income up to 400  percent of the federal poverty level—up to about $37,000 a year for an individual or $75,000 for a family of four.

[PDF] The Safe and Affordable Prescription Drug Act

Participation in the program would be open to California residents in a family with an income up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level—up to about $37,000 a year for an individual or $75,000 for a family of four.