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[PDF] The state's initiative, referendum, and recall processes.

The state's initiative, referendum, and recall processes. Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed statutory initiative related to the state's initiative, referendum, and recall processes (A.G.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The No Urban Casino Act (version 1)

Fiscal Effect Indian gambling can result in a variety of fiscal impacts on the state and local governments. For instance: The state has negotiated for specific annual payments by tribes to the state and local governments.

2010 Initiative Analysis: California Democracy Act

The State Constitution requires a two-thirds (67  percent) vote of each house of the Legislature for the passage of the annual state budget bill, most state General Fund appropriations (other than for public schools), bills to go into effect immediately (other than for the calling of an election), and bills that raise state taxes.

2010 Initiative Analysis: Alcoholic Beverages

Other Impacts on State and Local Governments State Administrative Costs. The state would incur administrative costs to collect the new tax, administer the newly created fund, and to report on the effectiveness of programs funded by the measure.

2009 Initiative Analysis: The California Democracy Act

The State Constitution requires a two-thirds (67  percent) vote of each house of the Legislature for the passage of the annual state budget bill, most state General Fund appropriations (other than for public schools), bills to go into effect immediately (other than for the calling of an election), and bills that raise state taxes.

Cal Guide: A Profile of State Programs and Finances-1995 [Publication Details]

Jan 1, 1995 - Cal Guide: A Profile of State Programs and Finances-1995 [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

[PDF] Save Our License Initiative

Drivers’ licenses are issued by the states, not by the federal government. States also issue identification cards for nondrivers. Historically, states set the rules for what data are on the license and what documents must be provided in order to obtain one.

[PDF] Proposed Public Agency Accountability Ballot

Claims Against State and Local Agencies. The State Constitution and state statutes establish procedures for parties to file claims against the state and local government agencies. If payment of a claim is denied, state law and the courts have also established procedures for parties to file suit to pursue their claims.

[PDF] Data on Cal/OSHA Inspections

Four of the states ranking higher are federal OSHA states. One (Vermont) is a state plan state, with a greater concentration of authorized inspectors. –

2004 Initiative Analysis: The Comprehensive Population Policy of the State of California

The welfare reform law also prohibits state and local governments from providing public benefits to nonqualified aliens without state enactment of authorizing legislation. Examples of programs where the state has passed legislation to provide benefits to nonqualified aliens include prenatal care and long-term care benefits in the Medi-Cal Program.