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Budget Package--AB 425 and Related Trailer Bills

Transportation Adopts the Governor's proposal for transportation loans to aid the General Fund in the budget year, including $474 million from the State Highway Account (SHA) to the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund (TCRF) and over $1 billion from the TCRF to the General Fund.

[PDF] Budget Package 2002-03

Transportation • Adopts the Governor’s proposal for transportation loans to aid the General Fund in the budget year, including $474 million from the State Highway Account (SHA) to the Traffic Conges- tion Relief Fund (TCRF) and over $1 billion from the TCRF to the General Fund.

HMOs and Rural California

Participating counties could voluntarily partner with the state by contracting for a designated number of state-hired providers at a predetermined cost. The significant costs of this approach to the sta te could be largely offset by county reimbursements, although some state subsidy of these arrangements would likely be necessary.

[PDF] HMOs and Rural California

In preparing this report, we obtained infor- mation from a variety of sources: ➢ We conducted interviews with repre- sentatives of a diverse set of key players in the rural health care com- munity, including beneficiaries, health operated health care systems, the California Medical Association, health policy researchers, state health care programs such as the Medi-Cal Program and

Building Standards in Higher Education

(There are another 276 lane-miles of HOV lanes in the remainder of the state.) The network of HOV lanes in the Los Angeles area includes one 16-mile stretch on Route 14, as shown in Figure  1 (see next page).

[PDF] Effects of Part-Time Operation: HOV Lanes on Route 14

(There are another 276 lane-miles of HOV lanes in the remainder of the state.) The network of HOV lanes in the Los Ange- les area includes one 16-mile stretch on Route 14, as shown in Figure 1 (see next page).

2002-03 May Revision

Third, how effectively does the plan address the state's fundamental underlying budget problem? Does the Plan Work? Overall, we believe that the budget proposal provides a credible framework for addressing the huge budget shortfall facing the state in 2002-03.

An Overview of California's Manufacturers' Investment Credit

In this view the competition among states in offering various tax incentives represents a form of “prisoners’ dilemma”—in which each state would be better off if none offered such incentive s. If one state does offer them, however, it is in the interest of other states to do the same.

[PDF] Enhancing Implementation and Oversight: Proposition 40 Resources Bond

The remaining $1.2 billion balance is available for direct expenditure by state agencies or, in many cases, for either direct state expenditure or grants. Figure 3 (see next page) shows the main categories of grant funding.

LAO 2002 Recommended Legislation: Transportation

Rationale Single occupant vehicles make less efficient use of state highway capacity than carpools or buses. Charging drivers for the cost of driving, through the use of tolls, can encoura ge people to use alternatives to driving alone.