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High School Career Technical Education [Publication Details]

Jan 29, 2020 - High School Career Technical Education [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Overview of the 1997-98 May Revision

School Attendance. Preliminary reports of 1996-97 school attendance are up sharply from the January estimate. The revised attendance figures require an additional $443 million in Proposition 98 fund s.


Therefore, it could be argued that the $6.5 billion distributed in 1978-79 to school districts did not represent -25- subventions, but rather appropriations for what is basically a state res pons i bil ity.

[PDF] Evaluation of CSU’s Doctor of Nursing Practice Pilot Program

The Chancellor’s Office’s November 2011 executive order specified that the program is not to be longer than three calendar years in length. Both programs decided on a five semester-long program (spanning 21 months), with coursework extending throughout the summer.

[PDF] The Three Strikes Reform Act of 2006 (Amendment #1-NS)

If the offender has two or more previous serious or violent felony convictions, the mandatory prison sentence upon conviction for any new felony is at least 25 years to life. These offenders are sometimes referred to as “third-strikers.”

[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief

The Personal Property Tax Relief program reimburses local govern- ments for property tax revenue lost as a result of: • The complete exemption of business inventories (including cotton, livestock and general aircraft) enacted by Ch 1150/79, and • The partial exemption of motion picture films. ' In the current year, the school districts' share of business inventory reimbursement was transferred from tax relief to the school apportion- ment item.

[PDF] The 2011-12 Budget: Child Care and Development

(Savings: Between $70 million-$100 million for each additional year of denied eligibility.) Alternative option: Could provide subsidized care for school-age children ages 6-12 only during non-traditional hours, while prioritizing spots in school-based programs for displaced children.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: CAPITAL OUTLAY

The school now has a newly constructed field house and exercise room building. 2. Berkeley, School for the Deaf, does not have tennis facilities. 3. Very rarely does even a high school have more than one court per 300 students. 4.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Maddy Emergency and Trauma Services Act

For example, the current state budget allocates about $25  million in state tobacco product tax revenues received under a 1988 initiative known as Proposition  99, on a one-year basis, to help pay for uncompensated emergency care provided by hospitals and physicians.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Codification Board

State Employees' Retirement System Analysis of Proposed Expenditures for the 1947·48 Fiscal Year For Support of Board of Administration of the State Employees' Retirement System Item 31, page 4 of the Budget Bill, and page 25 of the Budget.