Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] The California Fair Voting and Equal Representation Act (version 1)

Among these requirements are: (1) for state offices, population differences among districts cannot exceed 2 percent; (2) the plan must not dilute the voting strength of minorities; and (3) the plan must minimize the splitting of counties and cities into multiple districts.

[PDF] Redistricting Reform: The Voter Empowerment Act

Because the measure requires the redistricting plans to be approved by voters, it would result in costs to the state and counties each time a plan was placed on the ballot. These costs primarily would be related to preparing and mailing election- Hon.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Tax Fairness Act of 2005

These would be counted as Proposition  98 funds and would be a supplement to the existing minimum funding guarantee. 20  percent would go to senior citizens’ property tax relief programs. 15  percent would go to transportation projects in the county of collection. 15  percent would go to enhance local public safety in the county of collection.

[PDF] Wealth Tax. (Amendment #1-S.)

It also eliminates the current alternative minimum tax for both the PIT and the CT. Curtails Certain Tax Expenditures. The measure eliminates or restricts certain so- called tax expenditure programs (TEPs).

2005 Initiative Analysis: California Fair Minimum Wage Initiative (version 2). (Amendment #1-S)

Counties would face initial costs of about $5  million, rising to $10  million in 2008 ‑09 and thereafter. Medi-Cal Hospital Costs. Higher costs for hospital care paid through Medi-Cal would be unknown but significant.

[PDF] Tobacco Tax, Disease Prevention and Children's Health Insurance Act of 2006 (version 2)

County Health Initiative Matching Fund. Existing law also establishes the County Health Initiative Matching (CHIM) Fund program administered by MRMIB and counties to fund children’s health coverage for children in families with income between 250 percent and 300 percent of FPL.

[PDF] The Clean Alternative Energy Act (version 1), Amendment #2-S

Additionally, local administrative costs would increase, by an unknown amount, in oil-producing counties due to increased reassessment activity by local property tax assessors to account for the effects of the severance tax on oil- related property values.

[PDF] Fair Medical Treatment for Workers Act (Amendment #1-S)

Increased costs may reduce business profitability, thereby decreasing income tax revenues. Partially offsetting this decrease could be a gain in the gross premiums tax paid by insurance companies. The net effect of these impacts is not possible to estimate.

[PDF] Pothole Repair Funded by Online Poker (Amendment #2-S)

The state and local gov- ernments would experience a loss of other tax revenues (such as sales tax revenues from reduced purchases) and gambling-related revenues (such as revenues generated from the California Lottery, card rooms, horse racing establishments, and tribal casinos).

[PDF] California Energy Independence and Zero Carbon Dioxide Emission Electical Generation Act of 2008

In addition, counties in which active nuclear power plants operate—San Diego County (the San On- ofre Nuclear Generating Station) and San Luis Obispo County (Diablo Canyon Power Plant)—maintain emergency preparedness plans in case of radioactive release from the plants.