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Prisons vs. Universities Proposal Would Unwisely Lock Up Budget Flexibility

Proposal Would Lock in Shares of State Spending The Governor’s proposed constitutional amendment would require that, beginning in 2014–15, no more than 7 percent of state General Fund support be spent on CDCR (or any successor state agency) and no less than 10 percent be spent on UC and CSU.

[PDF] State Grant Accountability and Transparency

State Grant Accountability and Transparency Assembly Committee on Accountability and Administrative Review Hon. Cottie Petrie-Norris, Chair P R E S E N T E D T O : L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E State Grant Accountability and Transparency J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 2 3 L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 1 Background on

2006 Initiative Analysis: The California Health Insurance Reliability Act

Net Fiscal Impact on State From CHIS Operations State Could Experience Positive or Negative Fiscal Impact. The net state expenditures for CHIS administration and benefits could be greater or lesser than the $155  billion annual increase in state revenues discussed above.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Alternatives to the Governor’s Budgetary Reforms

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Alternatives to the Governor’s Budgetary Reforms Summary The Governor proposes that a constitutional amendment be put before the state ’s voters related to the state ’s budgeting process.

A Special Session Guide to K-12 Reform

State Roles. Like districts, the state's role also has support and oversight dimensions. First, the state should establish a state structure that ensures funding adequate to meet state goals, l ocal flexibility, and information and data for the school improvement process.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Reinventing the State Civil Service

The award of e xtra points to an individual because he or she happens to be a veteran or a state employee has no direct connection with the individual's ability to fulfill job requirements. System Often Impedes Efficient and Effective Conduct of State Programs One of the stated purposes of the State Civil Service Act is promote economy and efficiency in the state service.

State Superfund Reauthorization: Encouraging and Expediting Site Cleanups

We recommend that state law be changed to provide, consistent with existing practice, that the joint and several liability standard be applied by the state as a general rule to enf orce cleanup orders and recover state cleanup costs from responsible parties.

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: California Department of Technology

Moreover, the lack of information available for state entities to make direct comparisons between private vendor rates and State Data Center rates— including the benefits and costs of the services the State Data Center provides—makes state entities’ decisions about the provision of IT services more difficult.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Department of Parks and Recreation (3790)

However, the budget proposal does not address the ongoing maintenance deficit of the state park system, as it proposes no additional funding for this purpose. Fee Revenues at State Parks State Park Fees.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: General Government: Employee Compensation

In our report (see page 4), we noted that state employees hired prior to 1985 generally are fully vested for health benefits upon their retirement after a career of service with the state. Most state employees hired since 1985 receive no state contributions for retiree health benefits until they reach ten or more years of service.