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Supplemental Report 2002-03

Statewide, 2002 Bond State Park System Acquisition Program. The budget provides $35,000,000 for acquisition to acquire desirable parcels that are a high priority for the State Park System and that meet statewide objectives in categories con sistent with the Department’s mission and State Park System Plan.

[PDF] 2004-05: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

TOTAL STATE SPENDING The budget proposes total state spending in 2004-05 of $97.2 billion (excluding expenditures of federal funds and bond funds). This repre- sents a decrease of 0.2 percent from the current year.

[PDF] Cal Facts 2004: State Budget

State Operations Spending In Billions Department of Corrections $5.6 Debt Service 3.1 University of California 2.7 California State University 2.4 All Other 5.1 State Operations STATE BUDGET 35 Higher Education Represents More Than One-Third of State Employment 2003-04 Estimated State

[PDF] Health and Human Services Agency Pharmacy Assistance Proposal

If, like other states, the state were not successful in such an effort, the discounts achieved for consumers may not be much greater than those available under existing public and private drug purchase discount programs. !

Health and Human Services Agency Pharmacy Assistance Proposal

One alterna tive would be for the state to seek a federal waiver that would permit the state to obtain the same “best prices” for non-Medi-Cal beneficiaries that are guaranteed for Medi-Cal participants.

Assessing California's Charter Schools

Currently, ten states do not permit any charter schools. Of the 40 states that do allow charter schools: Eighteen states allow an unlimited number of charter schools to operate. Thirteen states have a statewide charter school cap —with specific caps ranging from 6 schools in Mississippi to 750 schools in California.

Maintaining the Master Plan's Commitment to College Access

State higher education subsidies in the form of financial aid, rather than fee reductions, also afford more needy students the opportunity to enroll in the state's independent colleges and universities.

A Review of California's Compulsory Education Laws

(Since statute already requires school di stricts to collect this information, this would not require a higher level of service than required under state law, thus not resulting in a new state mandate.)

[PDF] A Review of California’s Compulsory Education Laws

Once a student is designated a truant, state law requires schools, districts, counties, and courts to intervene to ensure that parents and pupils receive certain services to assist them in complying with atten- dance laws.

An Initial Assessment of the California Performance Review: Overview and Reorganization

These include a targeted realignment of state and local health and social services programs, as well as several proposals to shift costs away from state government to other ent ities. These include (1) seeking additional federal funds, (2) shifting property taxes from enterprise special districts for the benefit of the state, (3) shifting