Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Improving the Incentives for Property Tax Administration

During the past eight to ten years, Calif ornia has experienced a period of flat or declining property values. As a result, assessors have been flooded with requests for downward assessments and appeals of assessed values.

[PDF] California Class Action Reform and Corporate Accountability Act

The pro- visions of this measure providing the state a 25 percent share of punitive damage awards from class action cases may not be significant initially. That is because this pro- vision, like the rest of the initiative, only affects cases filed in the courts after its enact- ment that may take some years to resolve.

[PDF] Trial Court Funding "Realignment"

Year-Round School Incentive Programs: An Evaluation (April 1990), Report No. 90-5. Child Abuse and Neglect in California: A Review of the Child Welfare Services Program (January 1991), Report No. 91-1.

[PDF] Oil Extraction Fee to Rescue Education

Proposition 98’s required minimum level of state and local funding for school and the community college districts would not be affected by this measure. The funding provided by the oil extraction charge would be separate from Proposition 98 funding requirements.

2011 Initiative Analysis:Tax Oil to Fund Education Act

·                 37  percent to K-12 school districts to be allocated at the discretion of the state ’s Superintendent of Public Instruction. ·                 14  percent to the California State University (CSU) system, to be allocated at the discretion of the CSU Board of Trustees.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Alcohol Beverage Control

We do not have an estimate of new loans for 1959 or 1960; however, the original estimate for calendar year 1958 was 111,321 new loans to be made, whereas the actual number turned out to be 93,066 or 16.4 percent below the estimate.

Taking Stock of California’s Recession Readiness

Feb 12, 2020 - However, to the extent the Legislature instead preferred not to reduce funding levels —particularly for schools —in response to a revenue decline, larger reserves (or entering operating surpluses) are needed.

2001 Budget Analysis: Department of General Services (1760)

The major change in this program budget is the addition o f 11.4 personnel-years (PYs) and $0.9 million to meet workload requirements of Chapter 407, Statutes of 1998 (SB 50, Greene) in the Office of Public School Construction.


Division of Educational Assistcmce The educational assistance function of the department provides· ad- ministration of the State's program for educational aid to veterans and veterans' dependents in the form of subsistence payments during actual school attendance, tuition, school books, and supplies as necessary in accordance with the provisions of Article II of Chapter 6 of Division 4 of the Military and Veterans Code.

[PDF] The California Live Within Our Means Act (version 9)

Outstanding loans from special funds as of July 1, 2006 would be repaid within 15 years. Payment of Past Mandate Claims In past years, the Governor and Legislature have deferred payments for mandate claims filed by local school districts and noneducation local governments.