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The 2013-14 Budget: Examining the State and County Roles in the Medi-Cal Expansion

Figure 8 Major Provisions of the State Constitution That Complicate Changes to State –County Relationship Constitutional Amendment

2001 Initiative Analysis: Fair Tax Act

However, the elimination of certain taxes and imposition of new ones would likely result in ov erall declines in state revenues and increases in local revenues, as described below. Fiscal Effects on State Government State Revenues.

[PDF] Parental Notification, Child and Teen Safety, and Stop Predators Act

The CalWORKs program is supported with both state and federal funds, but because all CalWORKs federal funds are capped, these additional costs would probably be borne by the state. These costs would typically not be significant compared to total state spending for CalWORKs, which is estimated to cost about $6.3 billion in state and federal funds in 2010-11.

[PDF] Parental Notification, Child and Teen Safety, and Stop Predators Act

The CalWORKs program is supported with both state and federal funds, but because all CalWORKs federal funds are capped, these additional costs would probably be borne by the state. These costs would typically not be significant compared to total state spending for CalWORKs, which is estimated to cost about $5.4 billion in state and federal funds in 2011-12.

[PDF] Parental Notification, Child and Teen Safety, and Stop Predators Act

The CalWORKs program is supported with both state and federal funds, but because all CalWORKs federal funds are capped, these additional costs would probably be borne by the state. These costs would typically not be significant compared to total state spending for CalWORKs, which is estimated to cost about $5.4 billion in state and federal funds in 2011-12.

[PDF] Parental Notification, Child and Teen Safety, and Stop Predators Act

The CalWORKs program is supported with both state and federal funds, but because all CalWORKs federal funds are capped, these additional costs would probably be borne by the state. These costs would typically not be significant compared to total state spending for CalWORKs, which is estimated to cost about $5.4 billion in state and federal funds in 2011-12.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Parental Notification, Child and Teen Safety, and Stop Predators Act (version 4)

The CalWORKs program is supported with both state and federal funds, but because all CalWORKs federal funds are capped, these additional costs would probably be borne by the state. These costs would not be significant compared to total state spending for CalWORKs, which is estimated to cost about $5.9  billion in state and federal funds in 2009 ‑10.

2014 Initiative Analysis: The California Cannabis Hemp Initiative of 2014

These laws are enforced by federal agencies that may act independently or in cooperation with state and local law enforcement agencies. State Law and Proposition  215. Under current state law, the possession, cultivation, or distribution of marijuana generally is illegal in California.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Parental Notification, Child and Teen Safety, and Stop Predators Act

The CalWORKs program is supported with both state and federal funds, but because all CalWORKs federal funds are capped, these additional costs would probably be borne by the state. These costs would typically not be significant compared to total state spending for CalWORKs, which is estimated to cost about $5.5 billion in state and federal funds in 2013 ‑14.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Parental Notification, Child and Teen Safety, and Stop Predators Act (version 2)

The CalWORKs program is supported with both state and federal funds, but because all CalWORKs federal funds are capped, these additional costs would probably be borne by the state. These costs would not be significant compared to total state spending for CalWORKs, which is estimated to cost about $5.9  billion in state and federal funds in 2009 ‑10.