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1996-97 Budget Analysis: Department of Corrections Part II

The number of eligible inmates woul d also increase if the Legislature approves the Governor's proposal to transfer new "M cases " over the age of 18 from the Youth Authority to the CDC. Thus, the special education program may be much more costly than the CDC has indicated.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Education Departmental 2 Issues

The Governor's proposal also includes $83.2  million for the existing mentor teacher program, but in 2000-01 this funding would be transferred to the new program. Both appropriations for the budget year--a total of $100  million--are included in the special session legislation for this proposal (AB 1x, Villaraigosa and Strom-Martin), rather than in the budget bill.

The_2015-16_Budget: Implementation of Proposition 47

As discussed earlier, Proposition 47 requires that the annual savings to the state from the measure be annually transferred to the SNSF. The actual amount of funding deposited into the SNSF can vary significantly depending primarily on (1) the estimated size of the reduction in the state prison population and (2) whether and how the state reduces prison capacity in response to a decline in the inmate population.

[PDF] The 2014-15 Budget: Analysis of the Human Services Budget

(We note that recent legislation provides for the future transfer of collective bargaining responsibilities from the county level to the state level in certain counties.) Because of this division of IHSS employment responsibilities, it is our understanding that the IHSS recipient, the state, and the Public Authority at the county level are all considered to be joint employers of IHSS providers for the purposes of the new federal labor regulations.

[PDF] Improving State Oversight of Academic Expansions: The Master Plan at 50

The UC plans to increase the participation rates of high school graduates and transfers so that undergraduate enrollment slightly increases despite the expected decline in the population. Most of the under- graduate growth is expected to occur at the Riverside and Merced campuses.

[PDF] The 2011-12 Budget: Child Care and Development

Stage 2 440 59,980 CalWORKs families are transferred into Stage 2 when the family is deemed to be stable. Participation in Stage 1 and/ or Stage 2 is limited to two years after the family stops receiving a CalWORKs grant.

[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Social Services

Participants in the Food Stamp program receive monthly benefits on Electronic Benefit Transfer cards, similar to debit cards, which can be used at participating stores. The maximum food stamp allotment depends on household size.

[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of the Proposition 98 May Revision Budget Package

We recommend the Legislature modify the May Revision proposal by prioritizing the new funding for recruiting teachers to perennial shortage subject areas (special education, science, and math) and geographic areas (low-income, central-city, and certain types of rural schools).