Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] The Affordable and Safe Prescription Drugs for All Californians Act

In the aggregate, on an ongoing basis, the PERS board and Board of Pharmacy costs would probably amount to less than $10 million annually so long as outreach was limited, as the initiative provides, to $1 million per year.

[PDF] The regulation of California's electricity market

Under this standard, IOUs and ESPs are required to increase their share of electricity generation from renewable sources (such as solar or wind power) by 1 percent per year, up to 20 percent of total generation by 2017.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Regulation of Electricity Act

Under this standard, IOUs and ESPs are required to increase their share of electrici ty generation from renewable sources (such as solar or wind power) by 1  percent per year, up to 20  percent of total generation by 2017.

[PDF] The Regulation of Electricity Act

Under this standard, IOUs and ESPs are required to increase their share of electricity generation from renewable sources (such as solar or wind power) by 1 percent per year, up to 20 percent of total generation by 2017.

[PDF] "Parent and Child Rights Act"

It further allows parents to object to mental health screenings and evaluations of their children in public schools and requires informed consent from both parents or guardians before conducting any such evaluations.

[PDF] Tax Fairness Act of 2005

Thus, each year, beginning with 2006-07, affected nonresidential property would be reassessed by the county assessor according to the market value. In addition, the measure exempts from property taxation the first $500,000 of value of personal property owned.

[PDF] Portable Retirement Security Act of 2005

This means that officers retiring at age 55 receive 3 percent of their highest year’s pay for each year of service. Thus, at age 55 a 25-year career officer would earn a pension equal to 75 percent of final salary.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Fairness and Integrity in Redistricting Act (FAIR)

House of Representatives districts every ten years, following the federal census. This process is known as “redistricting.” The primary purpose of redistricting is to establish districts which are “reasonably equal” in population.

[PDF] Redistricting

House of Representatives districts every ten years, following the federal census. This process is known as “redistricting.” The primary purpose of redistricting is to establish districts which are “reasonably equal” in population.

2005 Initiative Analysis: California State Pharmacy Assistance Program (CAL Rx)

Participation in Cal Rx would be open to California residents in a family with an in come up to 300  percent of the federal poverty level—up to roughly $28,000 a year for an individual or $56,500 for a family of four.