Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Proposition 36 Reauthorization Funding

The ADP shall allow a county with unencumbered funds to retain a reserve of 5 percent of the amount allocated to that county for Fiscal Year 2005‑06 from the Substance Abuse Treatment Trust Fund. 2) The ADP shall allocate three quarters of the amount withheld pursuant to paragraph 1 in accordance with its current regulations, but taking into account the withhold required by paragraph 1.

[PDF] Proposition 6: Police and Law Enforcement Funding. Criminal Penalties and Laws: Safe Neighborhoods Act

Costs and savings to state trial courts, county jails, and other criminal justice agencies. Unknown net fiscal impact.

[PDF] The 2017-18 Budget: Overview of Governor’s Cannabis-Related Trailer Bill Legislation

We note that the elimination of this program would shift the responsibility for issuing medical ID cards from the state to the counties on a voluntary basis. Additionally, the elimination of state medical ID cards could have some potential effects on state and local sales tax revenues.

[PDF] Overview of Criminal Fine and Fee System

Of this amount, about 80 percent went to the counties. Who Benefi ts From Fine and Fee Revenue? Majority of Fine and Fee Revenue Distributed to the State 2015-16 a Split between courts (state government) and counties (local government) depending on who is actually collecting the delinquent payments.

[PDF] State Budget Solutions in Higher Education: General Fund Savings From February Budget Package and Governor’s Proposed May Revision_6.01.09

Does not fully backfi ll estimated local property tax shortfalls. 2008-09: Estimated $37 million shortfall. 2009-10: Provides partial backfi ll ($58 million of estimated $117 million shortfall). Reduces funding for categorical programs. 2008-09: $85 million in program reductions (12 percent of base). 2009-10: Additional $249 million in program reductions (total of 47 percent of base). 2009-10: Creates a fl ex item for vast majority of categorical programs.

[PDF] Overview of California’s Child Care and Development System

State CCD System Is Complex 4L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E June 29, 2010  County First 5 Commissions. Roughly $500 million annually in Proposition 10 tobacco tax funding supports various county-based activities, including preschool, child health care services, and pro- fessional development and stipends for child care providers.  Federally Funded Improvement Activities.

[PDF] Overview of Child Care and Development Budget

The budget package also relied on $52 million in one-time funds to support ongoing programs, eliminated $16 million of CCD quality improvement activities that were funded with expiring federal funds, and eliminated $9 million in support for county-based Centralized Eligibility Lists.

[PDF] School Facilities

These bonds are paid for using local property tax surcharges.  State Currently Has $2.4 Billion in K-12 Facility Applications  A total of $370 million in projects are on the state’s “unfunded” list.

[PDF] Governor's Proposed Alcohol and Drug Program Shift

Full fi scal responsibility was shifted to the counties in 2011 for the programs listed below and they will be supported with local revenue funds which consist of sales tax and vehicle license fees.  Drug Medi-Cal Program.

[PDF] CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work: Recent Program Changes and Trends

The DSS was required to develop a standardized, online appraisal tool that will replace existing appraisals used by county human services agencies to screen new welfare- to-work participants for barriers to employment.