Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Extend temporary person income tax rate increases on high-income taxpayers (Amendment #1).

Proposition 30 temporarily raised state taxes.  Sales Taxes. Proposition 30 increased the state sales tax rate by one-quarter cent from 2013 through 2016. In the current fiscal year, this increase is expected to raise $1.5 billion of revenue.  Income Taxes.

[PDF] Overview of Proposition 26

In the spring of 2010, the state increased taxes on gasoline suppliers, but decreased other fuel taxes paid by gasoline sellers. These tax changes do not raise overall revenues but give the state greater spending fl exibility.

[PDF] The California Residents College Accessibility and Affordability Act of 2014

Cigarette Excise Tax Linked With Other Tobacco Excise Taxes. Under Proposition 99, any increase in the cigarette excise tax triggers an automatic equivalent increase in the excise tax rate on other tobacco products.

[PDF] California's Taxation of Vesels, Vehicles, and Aircraft: Out-of-State Purchases

Vessels that are purchased offshore can be used in Mexican waters tax free for up to ten years. • In Canada, yachts are subject to provincial sales taxes and a federal Goods and Ser- vices Tax. However, sales made for immediate delivery to foreign destinations are ex- empt.

[PDF] Tax Expenditures

Of these, personal income tax (PIT) TEPs total around $30 billion, while corporation tax (CT) TEPs total about $5 billion (see pages 3 and 4).  Sales and Use Tax (SUT) TEPs are worth around $9 billion (see page 5).  There also are other TEPs associated with the insurance tax and other state taxes.  In

2012 Initiative Analysis:The California Residents College Accessibility and Affordability Act of 2014

Cigarette Excise Tax Linked With Other Tobacco Excise Taxes. Under Proposition 99, any increase in the cigarette excise tax triggers an automatic equivalent increase in the excise tax rate on other tobacco products.

[PDF] Liquid Assets: Improving Management of the State's Groundwater Resources

L e g i s L a t i v e a n a L y s t ’ s O f f i c e a n L a O R e p O R t 21 Orange COunty Water DistriCt: a LOng-term apprOaCh tO grOunDWater management Following a precipitous drop in groundwater levels in some areas of the Orange County groundwater basin, the Orange County Water District was formed in 1933 by an act of the Leg- islature to

Achieving State Goals for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

This is primarily because of (1) constitutional limits on increasing property tax assessments, (2) a reluctance of property owners to pay increased taxes, and (3) the difficulty in ensuring that all beneficiaries of levees —not just property owners in the Delta —pay for a share of levee improvements.

[PDF] An Overview of California’s Research and Development Credit

This is because the $486,000 state tax reduction is partially offset by a $165,000 federal tax increase, due to the decline in deductible state taxes. Put another way, some of what the state loses in revenue in order to provide the credit ends up as increased revenue to the federal government. 9L E G I S L A T I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C

[PDF] 1,000 percent sales tax on some political advertisements.

Harris 2 December 29, 2015 measure provides the sales tax will not apply to the first $1 million “of spending within a calendar year by any tax entity,” as specified. The tax proceeds would solely benefit "California public education."