Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Overview of Transportation Funding

All of the revenue from this tax, estimated to be about $160 million in 2015-16, is allocated to the STA. Diesel Taxes: Revenues and Uses State “Swap” Sales Tax


The initiative applies to all types of local governments, including any city, county, city and county, school district, special district, authority, or other political subdivision of or within the state.

[PDF] Orange County Board of Supervisors' Legislative Seminar

Orange County Board of Supervisors' Legislative Seminar ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' LEGISLATIVE SEMINAR OCTOBER 22, 1984

[PDF] The Impact of Recent Legislation on California's Burglary Rate and Sentencing Practices

In addition, Chapter 42 mandated a minimum 90-day jail term for persons who, under then-existing law, were sentenced to county jail for daytime residential burglary. The statute, which was originally scheduled to sunset on January 1, 1983, was extended to January 1, 1985, by Ch 1294/82.

[PDF] Summary of Recommendations in the Analysis of the 1986-87 Budget Bill

The Governor's Budget proposes to appropriate $100 million from Petroleum Violation Escrow Account (PVEA) funds to provide grants to school districts and county offices of education for school bus replacement.

[PDF] The Trial Court Funding Program: Financial Implications

We recommend that the Legislature amend the law to specifically identify the state- mandated local programs for which counties must forego reimbursement. (Page 29) Chapter IV: N 0- and Low- Proptery Tax City Provisions Property Tax Transfer: Under the Tax Eq- uity Allocation formula (TEA), the counties will transfer to the no- and low- property tax cities approximately $3.5 million in 1988-89.

[PDF] California's Debt Burden

This is because the federal government lets us borrow externally (within prescribed limits) at tax-exempt rates, but invest any idle proceeds in higher-yielding taxable investments. Most ~uv"'" ments borrow externally to the maximum extent permitted.

[PDF] Federal Welfare Reform

Potential unknown major costs to the counties to the extent aliens receive General Assistance and county health services. • Other Programs: • Additional significant loss of federal funds (not estimated at this time) in other programs. • Unknown potential state savings due to AFDC caseload reduction resulting from illegal alien reporting requirement. • Unknown

[PDF] Juvenile Crime - Outlook for California

Those that don't have such facilities generally contract with adjacent counties for space. There are approximately 6,100 juvenile hall beds in California, almost 30 percent of these beds are in Los Angeles. + Counties also have ranches or camps to incarcerate juveniles for longer periods, usually an average of six months.

[PDF] The 2010-11 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Counties would share in these savings, and the Governor proposes to redirect about 75 percent of these freed‑ up county funds to offset other General Fund costs. ➢ Proposition 63 Ballot Proposal ($452 Million).