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[PDF] How Does California’s Support for Higher Education Compare With Other States?

State Higher Education Spending Per Capitaa 2009 aIncludes local property taxes for California Community Colleges. How Does California’s Support for Higher Education Compare With Other States? (Continued) This is one of a series of issue briefs examining important questions about higher education funding in California.

2009 Initiative Analysis: California Marriage Equality Act (Amendment #1-S)

Particularly in the near term, this could increase revenues to state and local governments (primarily sales tax revenues). Over the longer run, however, this measure would likely have little fiscal impact on state and local governments.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Marriage Equality (version 3)

Particularly in the near term, this could increase revenues to state and local governments (primarily sales tax revenues). Over the longer run, however, this measure would likely have little fiscal impact on state and local governments.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Marriage Equality (version 4)

Particularly in the near term, this could increase revenues to state and local governments (primarily sales tax revenues). Over the longer run, however, this measure would likely have little fiscal impact on state and local governments.

LAO Publications

Handout Current State R &D Tax Credits Format: December 5, 2011 - Presented to Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee Report Streamlining State Financial Aid: Report on Cal Grant Alternative Delivery Pilot Format: HTML December 5, 2011 - Legislation in 2009 authorized a pilot program whereby college and university campuses could voluntarily administer certain Cal Grant programs that are normally administered centra lly by the Student Aid Commission (CSAC).

Immigration. (Amendment #1) [Ballot]

Dec 18, 2015 - In addition, it could result in deported individuals paying fewer taxes and using fewer government services. The net effect of the above factors on state and local costs is unknown. Summary of Fiscal Effects.

1999 Initiative Analysis: School Choice Amendment

For the public K-12 schools, the measure would guarantee a per-pupil amount that is at least equal to the amount provided in the prior fiscal year from the General Fund and local property tax revenue, and in no case less than $6,173.

[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Increasing Compliance With Unclaimed Property Law

In particular we suggest the Legislature consider: • Including an Unclaimed Property Question on Businesses’ Tax Forms. The Legislature could amend tax law to require businesses to respond to a question about unclaimed property as part of their tax filings.

An Evaluation of the School Facility Fee Affordable Housing Assistance Programs

Because developer fees are not the sole method of taxing home buyers for the cost of school facilities, providing assistance bas ed on the amount of developer fees paid excludes home buyers taxed in the alternate ways.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

The Governor’s budget includes nearly $3 billion in reductions, the largest of which is withdrawing a discretionary principal payment on state’s unemployment insurance loan (which otherwise is paid by employers’ payroll taxes).