Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Students’ right to a high-quality public education.

Over 70 percent of the total funding for K-12 education comes from an allotment of state General Fund and local property tax revenue that the Constitution requires to be set aside for public schools and community colleges.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Transportation Overview

In addition, as in the current year, the budget proposes to suspend in 2005-06 the transfer of "spillover " sales tax revenue from the General Fund to the Public Transportation Account (PTA) for various rail and transit programs.

[PDF] Letter to Legislator

This could include, for example, reducing taxes or providing rebates to consumers to offset the costs of cap-and-trade. Such an approach might be of particular interest to the Legislature if allowance prices increase significantly in the future.


Additional revenues, primarily $7.2 billion from tax increases, resolved about two-thirds of the $14.3 billion budget gap. Program reductions provided the next largest contributio n--$4.1 billion. 1992-93.

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; CCFC 4250

We also note that passage of Proposition 28, included on the March 2000 ballot, would repeal the tax provisions of Proposition 10. This would eliminate new funds for programs administered by the state and local commissions.

[PDF] Initiative Statute: Establishes New Standards for Confinement of Certain Farm Animals; Bans Sale of Certain Noncomplying Products.

Proposal 5L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E June 19, 2018  Potential Decrease in State and Local Tax Revenues From Farm Businesses, Likely Not to Exceed the Low Millions of Dollars Annually  Compared to current practice used by some farmers, the proposition would require more space and/or alternate methods for housing breeding pigs, calves raised for veal, and

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Transportation: Executive Summary

We find that the Governor ’s proposal may have limited benefits and recommend an alternative approach to accelerating projects through the issuance of revenue bonds backed by future state gasoline tax revenues.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Department of Child Support Services

Potential for Improved Accountability Transferring the California Child Support Automation System from the Franchise Tax Board to the Department of Child Support Services would increase accountability for the project's success.

[PDF] Summary of Recommendations in the Analysis of the 1986-87 Budget Bill

This measure provides that local governments may--with the approval of two-thirds of district voters--incur bonded indebtedness for site acquisition and capital outlay and payoff the bonds by temporarily increasing the property tax rate.)

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Department of Finance

Franchise Tax Commissioner Analysis of Proposed Expenditures for the 1947-48 Fiscal Year For Support of the Franchise Tax Commissioner Item 158, page 30, of the Budget Bill and pages 483 to 491, inclu- sive, of the Budget from the General Fund. - This item would appropriate $1,871,609 from the General Fund for support of the Franchise Tax Commissioner.