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[PDF] Pre-litigation procedures for construction-related accessibility claims. (Amendment #1.)

State Accessibility Laws. A violation of the federal ADA also constitutes a violation of state law. State law also provides additional protections and remedies to those with disabilities. For example, state law allows private parties to receive compensation for violations of construction- related accessibility standards,

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, State Personnel Board (1880)

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, State Personnel Board (1880) State Personnel Board (1880) The State Personnel Board (SPB) has the authority under the State Constitution and various statutes to adopt civil service rules and regulations.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Petroleum Commission

In addition, there is currently no price regulation of the petroleum industry in the state by a governmental entity. Proposal Powers and Duties of a New California Petroleum Commission. This initiative creates the California Petroleum Commission as a new state agency to regulate privately owned petroleum companies doing business in the state.

2006 Initiative Analysis: Proposed Public Agency Accountability Ballot

Claims Against State and Local Agencies. The State Constitution and state statutes establish procedures for parties to file claims against the state and local government agencies. If payment of a claim is denied, stat e law and the courts have also established procedures for parties to file suit to pursue their claims.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Petroleum Commission

In addition, there is currently no price regulation of the petroleum industry in the state by a governmental entity. Proposal Powers and Duties of a New California Petroleum Commission. This initiative creates the California Petroleum Commission as a new state agency to regulate privately owned petroleum companies doing business in the state.

[PDF] "The Tribal Government Gaming and Economic Self-Sufficiency Measure of 2000"

SUMMARY OF FISCAL EFFECTS This measure would have no fiscal effect on state and local government unless the state Supreme Court rules Proposition 5 unconstitutional. In this case, this measure would probably have a limited effect on state and local revenues in the near term, with potential longer-term significant annual revenue increases to the

Tax Limitation Act of 1998

Thus, it would reduce future state and local revenue s by unknown amounts. State Tax Effects . Again, the measure raises the vote requirement for certain state tax increases--those that are "packaged" with tax decreases.

[PDF] School Facilities

These projects have been approved and are awaiting state bond funding.  A total of $2.1 billion in projects are on the state’s “acknowledged” list. These projects have been submitted to the state but have not completed the approval process.  Voters Approved New State Bond in November 2016  Proposition 51 (2016) authorizes the state to sell $7 billion in general obligation bonds to fund K-12 facility projects.

[PDF] Transportation funding, Amendment #1.

BACKGROUND Funding for transportation in California comes from numerous state, local, and federal sources, totaling roughly $28 billion a year. Currently, state funding for transportation primarily comes from several state transportation taxes and fees, including gasoline excise taxes, diesel excise and sales taxes, and vehicle weight fees.

Cal Guide: A Profile of State Programs and Finances-1995 [Publication Details]

Jan 1, 1995 - Cal Guide: A Profile of State Programs and Finances-1995 [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.