Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] The Citizens Fair Districts Act (version 2)

This measure would have the following fiscal impact: • Potential reduction in redistricting expenses of a few hundred thousand dol- lars every ten years. Sincerely, _____________________________ Elizabeth G.

2007 Initiative Analysis: The Citizens Fair Districts Act (version 1)

The magnitude of any increased costs, which would be incurred every ten years, would probably be less than $1 million. Summary. This measure would have the following fiscal impact: Potentially increased redistricting costs every ten years—probably of less than $1  million.

[PDF] The Citizens Fair Districts Act (version 1)

The magni- tude of any increased costs, which would be incurred every ten years, would probably be less than $1 million. Hon. Edmund G. Brown Jr. 3 April 3, 2007 Summary. This measure would have the following fiscal impact: • Potentially increased redistricting costs every ten years—probably of less than $1 million.

[PDF] The Citizens Fair Districts Act (version 3)

The magni- tude of any increased costs, which would be incurred every ten years, would probably be less than $1 million. Hon. Edmund G. Brown Jr. 3 April 6, 2007 Summary. This measure would have the following fiscal impact: • Potentially increased redistricting costs every ten years—probably of less than $1 million.

2007 Initiative Analysis: Legislative gifts

For instance, members of the Legislature generally cannot accept gifts totaling more than $390 in a calendar year from any individual or other entity. The receipt of gifts from l obbyists is more restricted—limited to $10 per calendar month.

[PDF] Legislative Gifts

For instance, members of the Legislature generally cannot accept gifts totaling more than $390 in a calendar year from any individual or other entity. The re- ceipt of gifts from lobbyists is more restricted—limited to $10 per calendar month.

[PDF] Child Abuse and Neglect

According to a recent survey of county child welfare agencies, all responding counties make training available upon request to local schools, and many actually provided training sessions to schools during the past year.

2007 Initiative Analysis: Child Abuse Reporting Enforcement Act of 2008 (Amendment #1-S)

Of the approximately 500,000 reports of suspected child abuse statewide each year, about 22  percent (about 100,000) are substantiated and result in the provision of some social services to the children and families involved.

[PDF] Child Abuse Reporting Enforcement Act of 2008 (Amendment #1-S).

Of the approximately 500,000 reports of suspected child abuse statewide each year, about 22 percent (about 100,000) are substantiated and result in the provision of some social services to the children and families involved.

2007 Initiative Analysis: The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage

Couples of the same sex where both partners are at least age 18, or unmarried couples of the opposite sex where at least one partner is 62 years or older may register as domestic partners. In most instances, registered domestic partners are provided the same rights and benefits as married couples.