Results for irish state pension

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In this activity the State has been performing a new service to local governments which we have not thought was as essential as other state req~irements. . Veterans Affairs 516 - Recreation Commission-Continued It is our opinion that the degree of recreational consultant service which the State will furnish local governmental services lias no

[PDF] 1954 Budget Analysis: CAPITAL OUTLAY

We conclude from our inspection that most of the deferred main- tenance has been completed or provided for, the exceptions being those institutions which were late getting started on their maintenance pro- grams, such as Agnews State Hospital and Camarillo State Hospital.

[PDF] 1954 Budget Analysis: CONTROL SECTIONS

This section continues to make available through the 1954-55 Fiscal Y ear capital outlay items for agricultural purposes at .Fresno State College, payable from the State College Fund. SECTION 9, page 96, of the Budget Bill Recommendation: We recommend approval of this section as pro- posed.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

The committee shall ascertain facts and make recommendations to the Legislature and to the houses thereof concerning the State Budget, the revenues and expenditures of the State, the organization and functions of the State, its departments, subdivisions and agencies, and such other matters as may be provided for in the Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Legislative

The Budget Bill contains, in addition to the items of appropriation for most of the state agencies included in the classification State Operations, the institutional con- struction or capital outlay items, as well as a number of local assistance apportionments and a group of budget control sections.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: General Administration

The Division of Buildings and Grounds estimates the value of space in the state warehouse at 5 cents . per square foot. In order to meet the need for more records space the Secretary of State desires to move from the two floors in the state warehouse to the State Printing Plant.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

A five-man State Collection Agency Board appointed by the Secretary of State serves as an advisory board in these matters. . The major change in this budget is a decrease in salaries which is due to a decrease in temporary help and terminal pay.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Education

May the State Board of Education delegate to the Directbr of Education authority to add to, modify, or make exceptions to, standards adopted by the state board for admission to state colleges 1 The Attorney General answered that: 1.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

Obviously the State would have been better off had these audits not been made. Tax administrators often maintain. that the most important re- sults of an audit program are the improvement of future self-assess- ments.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Department of Justice

These pressures make it absolutely necessary ,that the State seek new and more efficient ways of processing fingerprints. Other states, namely, New York and Michi- gan, are converting portions of their fingerprint files to a machine method of processing.