Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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An Analysis of University Reserves

Nov 10, 2020 - For example, it had seven months of total housing reserves (of which  one month was uncommitted) and 25 months of total parking reserves (of which  five months were uncommitted). At UC, total reserves adjusted for expenditures at the end of 2018-19 were similarly higher for medical centers and its other noncore programs than for its core operating fund.

[PDF] A proposed statutory initiative related to felony sentencing (Amendment #1).

After third strikers have served the minimum number of years required by their sentence, a BPH panel conducts a parole consideration hearing to consider their possible release. For example, BPH would conduct such a hearing for a third striker sentenced to 25-years-to-life after the third striker served 25 years.

2007 Initiative Analysis: California Class Action Reform and Corporate Accountability Act

The provisions of this measure providing the state a 25  percent share of punitive damage awards from class action cases may not be significant initially. That is because this provision, like the rest of the initiative, only affects cases filed in the courts after its enactment that may take some years to resolve.

[PDF] High-Speed Rail 2023 Project Update Report

Since 2015-16, the project has received a continuous appropriation of about 25 percent of annual cap-and-trade revenues. Through December 31, 2022, the project has received about $5.5 billion from GGRF, of which HSRA has spent about $3.7 billion.

[PDF] High-Speed Rail 2023 Project Update Report

Since 2015-16, the project has received a continuous appropriation of about 25 percent of annual cap-and-trade revenues. Through December 31, 2022, the project has received about $5.5 billion from GGRF, of which HSRA has spent about $3.7 billion.

State Funding Actions Related to COVID-19

Apr 20, 2020 - This legislation appropriated $100  million in Proposition  98 (1988) funds to be used for purchasing personal protective equipment and sanitizing and cleaning school facilities. Subsequent guidance from the California Department of Education also allows school districts to use these funds more broadly to meet other needs, such as supporting distance learning.

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Employment Development Department (5100)

The ECS/YES program targets current and former foster care youth between the ages of 16 and 25 who reside in eastern San Diego County. Research indicates that 45  percent of former foster youth are unemployed, and that half do not complete high school.

[PDF] Reforming California's Mental Health System

Per capita county allocations in the current year, weighted by the poverty level, range from approximately $17 per person (Fresno and Tulare County) to $56 per person (Mono County). Figure 2shows this variation in funding for the 25 largest counties.

[PDF] The Education Funding Protection Act

The annual spending limit for each jurisdiction is based on the amount of appropriations in 1978-79 (the base year), as adjusted each year for population growth and cost-of-living factors. The Constitution also limits annual growth in the Legislature’s budget to the change in the state’s appropriations limit.

[PDF] California Indian Education Centers Program: A Sunset Review

Each of thecenters,accordingtotheauthorizingstat- ute, is to serve as an educational resource in Indian communities to Indian students, parents, and the public schools. • In1987-88,atotalof$861,OOOinGeneralFund support was provided for the 12 Indian education centers.