Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] Health Is a Right Act

Furthermore, this measure would provide that the Legis- lature shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the measure’s provi- sions and that it would not become effective until one calendar year after its enactment.

[PDF] The California Health Security Plan

The measure requires the Legislature and the Governor to implement CHSP within one year, following its approval by the voters and certification of the election results by the Secretary of State (SOS).

[PDF] Pet Animal Protection Act

This likely would result in minor absorbable one-time costs to develop the examination, and potential ongoing costs of a couple mil- lion dollars each year to administer the exam, certify individuals, and maintain a data- base.

[PDF] The Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative

Couples of the same sex where both partners are at least age 18, or unmarried couples of the opposite sex where at least one partner is 62 years or older may register as domestic partners. In most instances, registered domestic partners are provided the same rights and benefits as married couples.

[PDF] Freedom Against Sterilization Act

These costs are estimated to be minimal (potentially a few tens of thousands of dollars annu- ally), because the number of prisoners that this statute applies to is small and few of them are scheduled to be paroled within the next few years.

[PDF] California Tangible Ballot Act of 2008

In recent years, these types of costs have been shared by federal, state, and county governments. Summary. This measure would have the following major fiscal impact: • One-time costs potentially in the tens of millions of dollars to replace or alter voting equipment.

[PDF] The Solar and Clean Energy Act of 2008

The ESPs also provide electricity to certain state and local government entities, such as the Cali- fornia State University system, several University of California campuses, some com- munity college districts, and some local school districts.

[PDF] California Marriage Protection Act (version 3)

Couples of the same sex where both partners are at least age 18, or unmarried couples of the opposite sex where at least one partner is 62 years or older may register as domestic partners. In most instances, registered domestic partners are provided the same rights and benefits as married couples.

[PDF] Public Safety Through Prisoner Rehabilitation Act of 2008

This includes inmates sentenced to life terms in prison, those convicted of certain sex crimes, and those who committed cer- tain rules violations in the past year while in prison. The measure would also restrict family visiting to those inmates who have a high school degree or its equivalent and who agree to random drug testing.

[PDF] The Three Strikes Reform Act of 2008

If the person has two or more previous serious or violent felony convictions, the sentence for any new felony conviction (not just a seri- ous or violent felony) is life imprisonment with the minimum term being 25-years to life.