Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] The State's Fiscal Problem

The 1991-92 budget package shifted about $2.2 billion of state costs for health and welfare programs to the counties, along with dedicated sales tax revenues and vehicle license fees that were esti- mated to be sufficient to fully offset these costs.

[PDF] Focus Budget 1993: Highlighting major features of the 1993 California Budget

The remaining half of the reduction will be allocated to counties based on the level of taxable sales in the county—relative to the level of taxable sales in the state as a whole. In addition, beginning in 1993-94, counties will absorb the school districts’ share of cost for county property tax administration, at an estimated cost to counties of approximately $63 million.

[PDF] Reforming the Prison Industry Authority

Recommendations In order to improve the PIA’s effectiveness, we recommend that the Legislature: v Resolve significant conflicts over the agency’s mission by establishing two primary and complementary goals of (1) financial self-sufficiency and (2) achievement of a reduction in recidivism by improvement in inmate employability. v Privatize the PIA as an independent, nonprofit,


In particular, sales taxes and personal income tax withholding payments were up in July, consistent with Recent EconomicRecent EconomicRecent EconomicRecent EconomicRecent Economic And ReAnd ReAnd ReAnd ReAnd Revvvvvenenenenenue Deue Deue Deue Deue Devvvvvelopmentselopmentselopmentselopmentselopments Figure 1 All Major California Industries Expanding Percent Change in California Jobs July 1996 to July 1997 2 4 6 8 10% Finance- Related

State Superfund Reauthorization: Encouraging and Expediting Site Cleanups

Since interest on the CPCFA-issued bonds is exempt from state tax and potentially federal tax, the interest rates on the bonds are lower than they otherwise would be, thereby re ducing costs to the borrowers using the funds to finance a cleanup.

Overview of the 1999-00 Governor's Budget

Proposition 98 allocations (includes local property tax revenues) to K-12 schools total $32.8 billion in 1999-00. This represents an increase of $1.5 billion over the current-year estimate. The budget effectively augments these res ources by $191 million, for a total of almost $1.7 billion, through various program redirections (discussed in more detail below).

Opportunities and Challenges for the State--The Headwaters Forest

The suit, filed in Sacramento County Superior Court, claims that CDFFP overstepped its authority in approving the SYP. The suit argues that provisions of the SYP are in violation of the state's Endangered Species Act and state forestry laws.

[PDF] California’s Extraordinary Revenue Developments

While nearly two-thirds of the year-to-date increase is due to the personal income tax, all three of the state’s major taxes are up substantially from their respective estimates (see Figure 2). Personal Income Taxes.

California Spending Plan 2001-02 Chapter 3 Part 2

The budget adopted the Governor's proposal to contribute $30  million annually from the General Fund over a five-year period (beginning in 2000-01) as part of a larger financial package of federal, state, and county support for the reform of Los Angeles County's medical "safety net " programs.

[PDF] An Overview of California's Manufacturers' Investment Credit

In addition to the 6 percent tax credit for income tax liabilities discussed above, the tax program provides the following features in lieu of the tax credit: Provides “start-up” businesses the option of claiming a 5 percent sales and use tax (SUT) exemption on equipment purchases.