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[PDF] Overview of State EITC Education and Outreach Activities

Early in 2016, FTB contacted 90,000 state nonfilers who appeared to potentially qualify for the state EITC (based on 2014 federal tax information). This effort was largely unsuccessful with very few of those contacted claiming the state EITC. „ . . .

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Salary

Survey data support a one-step salary increase for about one- quarter of state employees, two-step adjustments for about one- half of state employees and no increase for about one-quarter of state employees. "4.

[PDF] The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: An Overview of Its Potential Impact on State Health Programs

For exam- ple, the exchange may be operated by a state en- tity or a nonprofit entity established by the state. States may choose to operate regional exchanges, or to share an exchange with one or more other states.

[PDF] A Status Report: Reducing Prison Overcrowding in California

Subsequently, in May 2007, the Legislature changed certain provisions of state law to allow CDCR to involuntarily transfer inmates out of state. This legislative authorization expired on July 1, 2011.

[PDF] The 1985-86 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

Second, Ch 722/81, stated legislative intent that it is the state's policy to set salaries for female-dominated jobs .on the basis' of cOIllparable worth. (Ch 641/83 established the same policy for California State University employees.)

[PDF] A proposed statutory initiative related to the cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana.

Harris 2 October 13, 2015 that marijuana is not distributed to minors or diverted from states that have legalized marijuana to other states. State and local governments currently collect sales tax on medicinal marijuana sales.

[PDF] Save Our State Amendment

Summary of State and Local Costs. The total state and local government costs of these requirements is unknown, but would potentially be in the tens of millions of dol- lars to over $100 million annually.

[PDF] Tax credit for health insurance and State Health Insurance Fund

Loan to State Health Insurance Fund. There would be a one-time cost to the state General Fund of $2 million for a start-up loan to the newly created State Health Insur- ance Fund. The measure provides for repayment by the new fund, but repayment would be problematic.

[PDF] Proposition 1 allows the state to sell $6.4

Proposition 1 allows the state to sell $6.4 billion in new bonds. Bonds are a way that the state borrows money and then repays the money plus interest over time. For more information about bonds, see “Overview of State Bond Debt” later in this guide.

[PDF] 1966 Budget Analysis: INDEX

California State Polytechnic College __________ ,-____________________ 374 Chico State College _______________________________________________ 374 Fresno State College _____________________________________________ 374 Fullerton State College ___________________________________________ 374 Hayward State College