Results for irish state pension

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[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Public Health

There is a great need for an evaluation of the present state-county relationship in the field of public health. There is a need to evaluate the consultation provided by the State to the counties in many fields.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Public Works

At this time, it appears that negotiations will continue for some time to come; and once an agreement is reached, it must be adopted by the legislatures of both states, and following such adoption it must be adopted by the Oongress of the United States.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Regulation and Licensing

The budget reflects an expenditure of $1,006 for out-of-state travel by the agency in the 1957-58 Fiscal Year, although no out-of-state travel funds were requested or authorized for that year and now "traveling- out of state" is shown in the budget as a continuing item.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

During the 1958 budget hearings before the Assembly Ways and Means Committee, certain questions were posed by our office concern- ing the pensions received by veteran members of the home while receiv- ing free care from the State as indigents.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

The State Compensation Insurance Fund administers the details of processing claims and paying benefits. The cost of workman's compensation benefits for state officers and employees whose salaries are paid from the General Fund is estimated at $1,550,000 for the budget year.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Provision for Salary Increases

Consider the proper internal salary relationships between state classes; and c. Keep expenditures for salary adjustments within a.ppropriation limits. Salaries of other state employees and the University of California are budgeted for on a comparable basis to those set by the State Person- nel Board.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

T'he State Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling that the State could no longer deduct family reim- bursements before computing the state subvention. As a result, the State Board of Control has approved the Los Angeles claims of $482,367.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

This section would revert unexpended and unneeded balances in appropriations made by Item 342.5 of the 1957 Budget Act for con~ struction at the two campuses of the Oalifornia Polytechnic Oollege from the State OollegeFund and Item 327 of the Budget Act of 1956 for minor construction at Fresno State Oollege from the State Oollege Fund.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Index

~~', 806 Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Scienc~s.:.~~'C:..~-.:,:::-~.:.-315,EI09 . O~~nge CountyStateOol1ege.::..::.::.:.::.._-'.:..:::._~:.;'_'_ __ :_~-'--.:.~~~;::c.:_::~~;~7,_~~_:Bi~ 94.7 Index '1TIllucation, Department of-Continued State Colleges-Continued Sacramento State College ______ ...: _________________ ~

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Legislative Branch

For the current year the commission transferred $400 of unexpended in-state travel appropriations to cover the difference in its contribution. Out- of-state travel expenses for California commissioners to attend the national conference constitute the largest expenditure ($2,675) in the commission's budget.