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[PDF] 080762.indd

State Funding for Transportation 2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E October 31, 2008 State Funding for Transportation (Continued) Sales Tax on Gasoline. Revenue from the state sales tax on gasoline, at the 5 percent rate, is used mainly for transportation purposes.

LAO State Budget Condition

Handout Overview of State Fiscal Functions Format: March 21, 2013 - Presented to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 4 on State Administration and General Government Report

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Department of Mental Health (4440)

Under this measure, also known as the Mental Health Servi ces Act, the State Controller is to transfer specified amounts of state funding each year on a monthly basis beginning in 2004-05 into a new state special fund, named the Menta l Health Services Fund.

The 2011-12 Budget: Year-Two Survey—Update on School District Finance in California

Passed by the voters in 2002, Proposition 49 requires the state to provide $550 million annually for after school programs. This level of support must be provided for these programs regardless of the state ’s fiscal condition or other state and local budget priorities.

[PDF] California Class Action Lawsuit Fairness Act

Class action lawsuits can be filed in either federal or state courts. Federal law deter- mines which cases are to be decided in the federal courts rather than state courts (mainly those involving larger financial claims and cases with many plaintiffs in multi- ple states).

Major Milestones: 43 Years of Care and Treatment of the Mentally Ill

Shift to Community Care and Depopulation of State Hospitals Prior to 1957, the State of California had the sole responsibility for the care and hospitalization of the mentally ill and the developmentally disabled in a network of 14 hospital s located throughout the state.

2002-03 Budget Analysis: General Government, Overview

State Retirement Programs The state contributes to the retirement systems for all state employees and public school teachers. Retirement-related expenditures account for a significant part of state spending on an annual basis.

[PDF] The Troy and Alana Pack Patient Safety Act of 2014

The costs for operating state prisons and mental hospitals are paid for almost entirely with state funds, and the costs for operating DCs are shared roughly equally by the state and the federal government.

[PDF] The President’s Health Care Reform Proposal: A Review of Its Implications for California

Accordingly, because the plan would make health care available to virtually all state residents, it could reduce state costs in the AFDC Program. Most significantly, the plan will have a number of indirect effects on the state's economy.

[PDF] The President’s Welfare Reform Proposal: Fiscal Effect on California

Page 4 The proposal results in a savings to the state primarily because of the increase in the federal share of program costs, including the cost of case management for teen parents in the state's Cal Learn Program.