Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; Public Health

Facilitate compliance with immunization requirements related to school and day care enrollment and receipt of public assistance. Under current law, parents must present certificati on that their children's immunizations are up-to-date in order to enroll them in child care centers, licensed family day care homes, and elementary schools.

[PDF] Education Budget Overview

LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE 3L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 8, 2004 LAO Higher Education Recommendations Would Better Preserve Access and Achieve Same General Fund Savings ! Maintain outreach services . • Preserve selected UC and CSU outreach services. • Establish College Preparation Block Grant for targeted K-12 schools. !

[PDF] Update California - Trends in K-12 Education Funding

For example, Figure 3 shows that February's unemployment rate was 7.3 percent, down from 9 percent one year ago and 9.6 percent two years ago. Similarly, nonfarm employ- ment continued to rise in February, and was nearly 150,000 (1.2 percent) above its level one year earlier.

[PDF] Commission on Teacher Credentialing

If new teachers do not have an official CTC document by the time the new school year begins, county offices of education issue them temporary county certificates (effective for one year). Every month since December 2004, CTC has exceeded the 75 day processing time limit.

A Primer on State Bonds

Of this total, about $6 billion would go on the ballot this year (either in June or November), and $6 billion (all for K-12 schools) would go on ballots in subsequent years.  Program

[PDF] The 1991-92 Budget: Perspctives and Issues

Among other things, the Legislature will need to evaluate the budget's proposal to substantially reduce funding for K-14 schools. Proposed levels ofK-14 funding for both 1990- 91 and 1991-92 are below the level offunding adopted in the1990 Budget Act for the 1990-91 fiscal year, and these reductions will result in lower funding levels than would otherwise be the case for several years to come.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Office of Planning and Research (0650)

In the current year, approximately one –half of the funds were used to support after school clubs in middle schools throughout the state. The remaining funds were allocated to various community service projects across the state and for administration costs.

[PDF] Taxing Commercial Property

Property taxes are collected at the county level and distributed to local governments—cities, counties, schools, community colleges, and special districts. Though property tax revenue does not leave the county in which it is collected, revenue that is allocated to schools and community colleges generally offsets state General Fund spending for K-14 programs.  Annual 1 Percent Tax.

[PDF] Proposed Constitutional and Statutory Measure Related to Gaming

The measure specifies that the revenues collected from the sports wagering tax shall be considered as state tax revenues for determining the minimum amount of spending on schools and community colleges each year.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act

Over the years, the Legislature has used this authority to: (1)  alter the balance of resources available between local and state programs, (2)  reduce overall taxation in California, and (3)  reallocate resources among local governments.