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Capital Outlay (50)
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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Capital Outlay

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Addressing the State’s Long Term Inmate Population Growth [Publication Details]

May 20, 1997 - We recommend that the Legislature authorize additional prison capacity in stages, beginning this year and continuing over the next four to five years.

Bonds and the November 1994 Ballots [Publication Details]

Aug 9, 1994 - The following factors must be considered as the Legislature makes these decisions. (1) Tens of billions of dollars will be needed over the next five years to meet the state’s identified capital outlay needs; (2) Only $1.3 billion of previously authorized general; obligation bonds are available to address these needs; (3) How well the state addresses its capital outlay needs will

Deferred Maintenance in State Facilities [Publication Details]

Mar 1, 1993 - This reprint from our Analysis of the 1993-94 Budget Bill discusses the problem of deferred maintenance in state facilities. State agencies that control significant state assets have developed a deferred maintenance backlog totaling $820 million.

Capital Outlay for Postsecondary Education [Publication Details]

Feb 21, 1990 - In this analysis, we assess for each segment of postsecondary education: (1) long-range enrollment plans, (2) the potential need for new campuses, and (3) how each segment's five-year capital outlay plan addresses needs associated with enrollment growth.

State Infrastructure [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1990 - To better identify these requirements, establish priorities and develop an appropriate financing plan for this infrastructure, the state needs a comprehensive multi-year capital outlay plan. Until such a plan is available, however, we suggest the Legislative establish criteria to assess specific capital outlay proposals.

Bonds and the 1990 Ballots [Publication Details]

Jan 1, 1990 - One of the more significant issues facing the Legislature during the next several months will be to decide what bond measures it should place on the June and November statewide ballots for voter approval.

The New Prison Construction Program at Midstream [Publication Details]

Apr 1, 1986 - During the past several years, the Legislature has authorized a major expansion of the state's prison system. This expansion provides for 12 new prisons and additions to existing prisons which will cost more than $1.5 billion to build and about $750 million annually to operate. This report examines the Department of Corrections' progress in bringing these prisons on line.

Financing School Facilities [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 1986 - Financing School Facilities [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Cogeneration Equipment Investments: The Effects of Rapid Amortization [Publication Details]

Jun 1, 1985 - In 1980, the California Legislature enacted AB 1404 (Chapter 1328, Statutes of 1980), which shortened the time period over which certain cogeneration equipment can be depreciated for California tax purposes.

A Ten-Year Perspective: California Infrastructure Spending - A Ten-Year Perspective: California Infrastructure Spending [Video]

A Ten-Year Perspective: California Infrastructure Spending - A Ten-Year Perspective: California Infrastructure Spending [Video] To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video A Ten-Year Perspective: California Infrastructure Spending August 25, 2011 In this webcast,