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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Local Government

68 results

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Allocating Local Sales Taxes: Issues and Options [Publication Details]

Jan 24, 2007 - Recent agreements between cities and private businesses involving diversions of millions of dollars of local sales taxes have highlighted concerns raised over the years about the present “situs-based” system for allocating local sales taxes.

SANDAG: An Assessment of Its Role in the San Diego Region [Publication Details]

Mar 30, 2006 - SANDAG: An Assessment of Its Role in the San Diego Region [Publication Details] SANDAG: An Assessment of Its Role in the San Diego Region Format: HTML Description: For over 20 years, San Diego region residents and local officials have debated whether their network of local and regional governmental agencies is well suited to addressing the region’s growing challenges.

Budget Proposal Understates Mandate Costs [Publication Details]

Feb 23, 2006 - We find that the administration’s proposal does not provide sufficient resources to carry out its plan for 2006-07 and that the state likely will face a current-year mandate deficiency of about $140 million.

Mental Health Mandates Continue to Pose Challenges [Publication Details]

Feb 22, 2006 - State costs for reimbursing counties for two state-mandated programs to provide mental health services for school children have grown significantly in recent years. Moreover, serious weaknesses are evident in the system for delivering these services for children in special education programs.

Vehicle License Fee Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - Vehicle License Fee Issues [Publication Details] HTML Description: The prior administration’s action to increase the VLF and the current administration’s subsequent action to reverse that increase have resulted in a number of issues of concern to the Legislature, including (1) the amount of VLF backfill that local governments did not receive during the current year “gap” period,

Booking Fees [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - Booking fees are charges imposed on cities, special districts, school districts, colleges, and universities to recover the costs associated with booking persons into the county jail. County authority to impose booking fees gives local agencies incentives to use county booking and detention services wisely and efficiently.

Local Government Housing Mandates [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - Local Government Housing Mandates [Publication Details] HTML Description: As part of its general plan, every city and county is required to prepare a "housing element" which assesses the conditions of its housing stock and outlines a five-year plan for housing development.

Proposition 98 Mandates [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2003 - We recommend that the Legislature increase funding for Proposition 98 mandates by $100 million and include $199 million for school district mandates in our proposed Core Services Block Grant.

Proposition 46 Housing Bond [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2003 - The General Fund will pay an average of $157 million annually for 30 years to pay for the principal and interest of the bonds. We review the administration's proposal for implementing the bond's provisions and outline potential options for using the bond to help address the budget situation.

General Government: Mandates [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2003 - The administration proposes to defer the costs of all general government mandates on local governments. By the end of the budget year, the state would owe over $1.2 billion to noneducation local governments. We recommend the Legislature adopt the general policy of either funding its mandate obligations or eliminating the state's liability for the mandate.