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2008 Initiative Analysis: The McCauley-Rooker Wealth Tax and Oceans Preservation Act

Summary of Fiscal Effects The measure would have the following major fiscal effects: One-time increase in state revenues potentially in the low hundreds of billions of dollars from imposition of a wealth tax, and ongoing increase in state revenues potentially in the billions of dollars from imposition of the tax on certain people dying or leaving the state.

[PDF] Increasing Oversight of the State Litigation Deposit Fund

One duty is to prosecute violations of state law when the Attorney General believes state law is not being adequately enforced. In addition, state law generally requires the Attorney General to represent state agencies and their employees in judicial proceedings.

Advancing Transportation Projects To Stimulate the Economy: An Alternative Approach [Publication Details]

Dec 10, 2008 - Advancing Transportation Projects To Stimulate the Economy: An Alternative Approach [Publication Details] Advancing Transportation Projects To Stimulate the Economy: An Alternative Approach Format: HTML Description: As part of his 2008–09 special session package, the Governor proposed to speed up construction of $822 million in planned state transportation projects.

[PDF] A New Hope for California

FISCAL EFFECTS State Government Costs. The likely state costs to implement the measure would be at least hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. Because some of the panel’s responsibilities are one time in nature, state costs would likely be higher during 2016-17 and would decrease somewhat thereafter.

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: State Preschool

In 2021-22, the state funded 110,000 part-day slots and 50,000 full-day slots for State Preschool. Transitional Kindergarten (TK). Under state law, TK is the first year of a two-year kindergarten program.

[PDF] Financing School Facilities

In most cases, the rent paid to the state consists of $1 per year, plus any interest earned on state funds deposited in the county's school lease-purchase fund. Because this amount usually is nominal in comparison to the amount of state aid provided, the state essentially is providing school districts with a grant for school construction, rather than a loan.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Contingency Fees

The state pays for court operations using revenues from a number of sources, including court filing fees and the state General Fund. If the measure were to cause a significant decrease in the number of civil case filings, this would reduce the amount of filing fee revenues collected by the state, thereby placing pressure on the state General Fund to co ver a greater share of the statewide costs of operating the courts.

[PDF] California Democracy Act

The State Constitution re- quires a two-thirds (67 percent) vote of each house of the Legislature for the passage of the annual state budget bill, most state General Fund appropriations (other than for public schools), bills to go into effect immediately (other than for the calling of an elec- tion), and bills that raise state taxes.

[PDF] California Democracy Act

The State Constitution re- quires a two-thirds (67 percent) vote of each house of the Legislature for the passage of the annual state budget bill, most state General Fund appropriations (other than for public schools), bills to go into effect immediately (other than for the calling of an elec- tion), and bills that raise state taxes.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Governor’s Strategic Growth Plan

The funding consists of $4 billion in state GO bonds, $4 billion in other state “existing” resources, and $4 billion in matching funds from local governments. This raises fundamental questions about the roles and responsibilities of the state and local governments.