Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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LAO commentary on Facebook IPO and state revenue forecasts

May 15, 2012 - (We are still in the process of evaluating various May Revision proposals, such as newly proposed loans and transfers to the General Fund.) Comparisons with prior forecasts are complicated, given the changes since January in the Governor ’s proposed tax measure and the recent inclusion of revenues related to Friday ’s planned initial public offering (IPO) of stock by Facebook, Inc.

Reforming the State's Transfer Process: A Progress Report on Senate Bill 1440 [Publication Details]

May 11, 2012 - The legislation requires community colleges to create two-year associate degrees for transfer. Students who earn such a degree are automatically eligible to transfer to the CSU system as an upper-division (junior) student in a bachelor’s degree program.

Restructuring of Second-Level Appeals

May 1, 2012 - As Proposed by the Governor, Transfer the Responsibility for Issuing Decisions on Second-Level Appeals to ALJs. Similar to the Governor, we recognize the opportunity to increase efficiency and reduce processing time for appeals by transferring the responsibility of issuing second-level appea ls decisions to the ALJs that currently serve as the authors of Board decisions.

Legal services funding adjustment

Apr 16, 2012 - When DOJ performs legal services for one of these departments, DOJ bills the client department and funds are transferred from the client department ’s budget to DOJ ’s Legal Services Revolving Fund (LSRF).

Ongoing reductions to the judicial branch budget and proposed increase of civil fees

Apr 13, 2012 - In addition, the branch offset a large portion of these cuts through the routine use of one-time transfers from branch special funds in order to minimize the impacts upon trial co urt operations.  In the current year, these one-time transfers offset $302 million of the cumulative reduction.

CTC's $5 million 2012-13 operating shortfall

Apr 13, 2012 - Authorize A Small Budget-Year Transfer From TDAA to TCF . Although we recommend the Legislature approve the proposed credential application fee increase, we believe the administration has overestimated the amount of new revenue the fee pr oposal will generate.

The 2012-13 Budget: Managing Ongoing Reductions to the Judicial Branch [Publication Details]

Apr 13, 2012 - To the extent the Legislature approves the Governor's proposal, ongoing solutions should be identified and implemented in 2012–13, particularly since recent transfers and loans from branch special funds have greatly reduced the fund balances available as a potential budget solution.

Relocation of the California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI)

Mar 7, 2012 - Relocation of the California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) Relocation of the California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) Program: California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) Finding or Recommendation: Withhold action on Governor's January budget proposal to relocate CSTI and transfer some training responsibility to local authorities.

Amador and Mono Counties Triple Flip/ VLF Swap Backfill

Mar 5, 2012 - The State Controller would transfer funds appropriated in the annual budget to the county auditor for distribution to the affected local governments. Analysis As in the case with many issues regarding state-local finance, there is no single right answer to this funding shortfall.

The 2012-13 Budget: Strategies to Maintain California's Park System [Publication Details]

Mar 2, 2012 - Based on this analysis, we recommend specific steps to help maintain the park system, such as transferring the ownership of some state parks to local governments, eliminating the use of peace officers for certain park tasks, allowing private companies to operate some state parks, and increasing park user fees.