Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Executive Branch

The total for the 1959-60 fiscal year is in the vicinity of $3 million with such noteworthy instances as Los Angeles County at over $431,000, San Diego County at over $286,000, City of Sacramento and County of Sacramento at over $243,000, City and County of San Francisco at over $130,000, Contra Costa County at over $98,.000, etc.

General obligation bonds for water programs and projects. (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Dec 10, 2015 - The statute authorizing this annual transfer is due to sunset on July 1, 2020. This measure eliminates the sunset and continues the transfer beyond July 1, 2020. Direct Cap-and-Trade Revenues for Certain Water-Related Projects.

General obligation bonds for water programs and projects. (Amendment No. 1). [Ballot]

Dec 10, 2015 - The statute authorizing this annual transfer is due to sunset on July 1, 2020. This measure eliminates the sunset and continues the transfer beyond July 1, 2020. Direct Cap-and-Trade Revenues for Certain Water-Related Projects.

Proposition 98 Key Inputs and Outcomes Under 2021-22 Budget Package [EdBudget]

Jul 21, 2021 - a Excludes nontax revenues and transfers, which do not affect the calculation of the guarantee. b For calculating the guarantee, Chapter 24 of 2020 (SB 98, Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) deems the change in attendance in 2020‑21 to be the same as the change in 2019‑20. c Reflects change in per capita income during the previous fiscal year. d Reflects change in per capita General Fund plus 0.5 percent.

2003 Initiative Analysis: The People’s Gaming Act

Major Provisions of the Initiative The measure amends the State Constitution to allow Las Vegas- and Atlantic City-type gaming in the City of Adelanto for a period of 28 years. After that time, the Legislature could either extend such gaming to all counties in California or eliminate it.

Taxpayer protection and government accountability. [Ballot]

Jan 19, 2022 - State law requires increases in local taxes to receive approval of the local governing body —for example, a city council or county board of supervisors —as well as approval of voters in that local jurisdiction.

[PDF] Policy Brief Property Taxes: Why Some Local Governments Get More Than Others

The first relates to the so-called “no and low property tax cities.” Certain cities that did not levy a property tax, levied only a very low property tax, or were not incorporated as cities prior to the passage of Proposition 13 were not allocated a significant share of the property tax under AB 8.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Local Governments

For Subsidies to Cities and Counties for Maintenance of Tuberculosis Sanatoria Item 332, page 64 of the Budget Bill and page 993 of the Budget. Amount requested, $3,050,000 from the General Fund for subsidies to cities and cOttnties for maintenance of tuberculosis sanatoria.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Bonds

The balances re- maining in the Investment Fund were transferred to the California Water Fund upon its creation July 1, 1959. The balance at that time was, $177,125,717. Additional oil, gas and mineral royalties have been accumulated each year in the fund as well as interest on accumulated balances and transfers from the State Lands Act Fund.

[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Resources and Environmental Protection. Summary of Recommendations Excerpt.

Department of Parks and Recreation Motor Vehicle Fuel Account transfer $17 million one-time augmentation to the State Parks and Recreation Fund (SPRF) to maintain operations at current-year levels, and a one-time $31 million transfer of fuel tax revenues to cover the costs of this augmentation, as well as to address the SPRF structural shortfall.