Results for homelessness

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[PDF] California’s Housing and Homelessness Challenges in Context

For this population, job loss or an unexpected expense could result in homelessness.  California Has a Disproportionate Share of Homeless Population. California has more people experiencing homelessness than any other state in the nation.

[PDF] Housing and Homelessness

L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E 2 Differences on Housing and Homelessness Issue Senate Assembly Description Emergency Homeless Aid Block Grants $328.2 $1,500.0 Creates a new block grant program to provide local governments one- time funding for a variety of homeless services.

The 2021-22 Budget: Analysis of Housing and Homelessness Proposals [Publication Details]

Feb 5, 2021 - The 2021-22 Budget: Analysis of Housing and Homelessness Proposals [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Online sports wagering. [Ballot]

Oct 20, 2021 - Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program (HHAPP). HHAPP —a state program administered by the Homelessness Coordinating and Financing Council (HCFC) within the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency —provides flexible funding to local entities (such as cities) and tribes to address homelessness in their communities.

Older Youth Access to Foster Care

Mar 22, 2019 - Instead, we note that the available data referenced in this section is for homeless families , which would not capture children who are themselves homeless, though belonging to a family that is not homeless.

Sheltering the Homeless: Alternatives to the Armories

Sheltering the Homeless: Alternatives to the Armories Legislative Analyst's Office, December 3, 1997 Sheltering the Homeless: Alternatives to the Armories Background The state currently makes 26 of the state's National Guard armories available as temporary homeless shelters during the winter months.

The 2020-21 Budget: Overview of the California Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 5, 2020 - Homelessness Programs. The budget allocates $ 550  m illion to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for Project Homekey, intended to provide housing for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness due to the COVID ‑ 19 p andemic.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Updates on Recent Housing and Homelessness Augmentations and Overview of Proposed Budget Changes

Governor’s 2023-24 Housing and Homelessness Proposals L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 33 (Continued) Homelessness Governor Proposes Maintaining Previously Authorized Homelessness Funding.

Housing and Homelessness [Publication Details]

May 31, 2018 - Housing and Homelessness [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only. The LAO is unable to guarantee the accuracy of this translation and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information resulting from the translation application tool.

[PDF] The strategies to address homelessness evolved

The strategies to address homelessness evolved given the immediate need to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among people experiencing homelessness and at risk of homelessness. „ Emergency Action Established Project Roomkey to Address Immediate Housing Needs During Pandemic.