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Capital Outlay (74)
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Results for irish state pension in Capital Outlay

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Capital Outlay Project Management Fees [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2002 - We recommend that the Legislature ask the Bureau of State Audits to conduct a performance audit of the Department of General Services relative to its project management activities to evaluate (1) the appropriateness of fees charged, (2) the method of determining fee levels, and (3) the quality control process in place for budget development.

Cogeneration Equipment Investments: The Effects of Rapid Amortization [Publication Details]

Jun 1, 1985 - In 1980, the California Legislature enacted AB 1404 (Chapter 1328, Statutes of 1980), which shortened the time period over which certain cogeneration equipment can be depreciated for California tax purposes.

The New Prison Construction Program at Midstream [Publication Details]

Apr 1, 1986 - During the past several years, the Legislature has authorized a major expansion of the state's prison system. This expansion provides for 12 new prisons and additions to existing prisons which will cost more than $1.5 billion to build and about $750 million annually to operate. This report examines the Department of Corrections' progress in bringing these prisons on line.

The Use of Mortgage Revenue Bonds in California [Publication Details]

Jan 1, 1985 - This report was prepared in response to the directive contained in Chapter 323. Chapter I provides background information on the use of mortgage revenue bonds (MRBs) in California and on the federal government's role in regulating their issuance. In Chapter II, we discuss state and local data relating to units produced and households assisted under these housing programs.