Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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Three Strikes and You're Out

Whether prison sentence enhancements (enacted previously) may be added to the sentence of an offender who has his or her sentence increased under "Three Strikes. " Whether an offender sent to state prison under the "Three Strikes " law may receive "preconfinement " credits (credits for the time they served in county jail awaiting trial and transfer to the CDC) to reduce the time they spend in state prison.

Los Angeles County's Fiscal Problem

(Current law prohibits counties from imposing these taxes upon city businesses and residents.) Due to the limited nature of these taxes, the county estimates that they are unlikely to generate more than $30 million annually.

Focus Budget 1995

Transfer of Special Funds In recent years, amounts have been transferred from special funds to the General Fund to finance certain state activities. Figure 1 shows the major transfers for 1995-96. Information Technology The responsibility for oversight of state information technology was transferred from the Department of Finance

[PDF] The 1995-96 Budget Act and Related Legislation

Transfers to the General Fund. The budget shifts $77 million from the State Highway Account to the General Fund in order to pay for debt service on state rail bonds in 1995-96. The budget also includes a $54 million transfer of revenues from document sales from the Motor Vehicle Account to the General Fund.

(c) If legislation consolidating or otherwise restructuring the

(c) If legislation consolidating or otherwise restructuring the Cemetery Board and the Funeral Directors and Embalmers Board is not enacted, the Controller is authorized to transfer the necessary amount of funds from Item 1335-001-0258 of the 1995 Budget Act to the department for expenditure by the department for purposes of this section.

October 1995 Cal Update

Cities and Counties Relying upon earlier Court of Appeal opinions on Proposition 62, many California cities and counties imposed general taxes in recent years without submitting the tax to a vote of t he electorate.

December 1995 California Update

For instanc e, state transportation funds have been transferred to the General Fund for general purposes. Additionally, transportation funds, rather than the General Fund, were used to pay the debt service on rail bonds.

Procedures governing the disposal of surplus goods may include

Procedures governing the disposal of surplus goods may include auction or transfer to local governmental entities. (j) A vendor may be excluded from bid processes if the vendor's performance with respect to a previously awarded contract has been unsatisfactory, as determined by the state in accordance with established procedures which shall be maintained in the State Administrative Manual.

(m) To consider and decide issues relating to rights,

(m) To consider and decide issues relating to rights, privileges, and duties of an employee organization in the event of a merger, amalgamation, or transfer of jurisdiction between two or more employee organizations.

City Budgets Reflect Local

City Budgets Reflect Local Preferences City revenues are generated from a variety of taxes and user charges, with only a small amount of state and federal aid. User charges and taxes each account for about one-third of city revenues statewide.