Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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Policy Brief: Reversing the Property Tax Shifts

Certain property tax transfers were less than anticipated (about $150 million). Subsequent legislation has reduced the amount of the shift by about $20 million. The shift legislation authorized (until 1997-98) a $20 million reduction from the amounts due from disaster-damaged cities and counties.

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

The financial report for each organization shall include the following sections for each fiscal year: Beginning Reserves, Revenues and Transfers, Expenditures, and Ending Reserves. The Revenues and Transfers section shall identify the following sources of income: state appropriations; federal funds; local funds; rents and royalties; interest; grants; sales of

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

The eligibility requirements for cities and/or unincorporated areas applying jointly or individually for a grant; b. The requirement that a cash or in-kind match be made by an applicant city or cities; c.

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

Porterville--Resident Transfer Upgrades. The amount of $2,003,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($48,000), working drawings ($134,000), and construction ($1,759,000) to upgrade six housing units in order to receive a dditional residents from Camarillo State Hospital.

Major Features of the 1996 California Budget

"M Case" Transfer. In addition, the budget anticipates transferring from the Youth Authority to the CDC custody of "M cases" who are 18 years of age or older. ("M cases" are offenders who are sentenc ed to the CDC, but who are transferred to the Youth Authority to serve all or part of their incarceration time.)

[PDF] Major Features of the 1996 California Budget Budget Brief

Major Features of the 1996 California Budget Budget Brief Revenues and transfers 46,137 47,643 3.3% Total resources available $45,660 $47,863 Expenditures $45,440 $47,270 4.0% Ending fund balance 220 593 Reserve -$86 $287 Other obligations 306 306 a Detail may not add to totals due to rounding.

March 1996 California Update

In 1995-96, the Tobacco Control Section wit hin the DHS (1) disbursed $10.2 million to county and city health departments to fund local tobacco prevention and cessation programs,  (2)  awarded $9.8 million in competitive grants to community-based programs targeting high-risk populations, (3) contracted for a $12.2 million tobacco prevention media campaign, an d (4) spent $3.1 million to evaluate state smoking trends.

[PDF] update

In 1995-96, the Tobacco Control Sec- tion within the DHS (1) disbursed $10.2 million to county and city health departments to fund local tobacco prevention and cessation programs, (2) awarded $9.8 million in com- petitive grants to community-based programs targeting high-risk populations, (3) contracted for a $12.2 million tobacco prevention media campaign, and (4) spent $3.1 million to evalu- ate state smoking trends.

Major Features of the 1997 California Budget

Motor Vehicle Account The budget provides $179 million in new revenues, transfers, and expenditure reductions in order to close a projected $129 million funding shortfall in the Motor Vehicle Account (MVA) and to provide for a $50 million reserve.


In the event that an intercity transfer agreement is executed pursuant to Chapter 263 (Statutes of 1996) which would transfer rail service to the joint powers board, Caltrans shall work with TAMC to provide technical support in facilitating discussions with the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Board to extend the Capitol Corridor intercity rail service to Monterey. 2.