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Local Government (136)
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Results for irish state pension in Local Government

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An Assessment: Governor's Local Government Proposal [Publication Details]

May 24, 2004 - The administration's local government proposal would make far-reaching changes to state-local finance. Our review of the proposal indicates that it would greatly increase the stability of local finance and increase accountability in the mandate process.

Key Elements of Mandate Reform—Major Recommendations Proposed [Publication Details]

May 10, 2004 - Presented to Assembly Special Committee on State Mandates on May 10, 2004.

Mandate Reimbursement Process [Publication Details]

May 10, 2004 - Presented to Assembly Special Committee on State Mandates on May 10, 2004.

Key Elements of Mandate Reform [Publication Details]

Apr 26, 2004 - Key Elements of Mandate Reform, presented to the Assembly Special Committee on State Mandates on April 21, 2004.

Vehicle License Fee Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - We review the status of these issues and recommend that the State Controller provide information to the Legislature regarding the status of VLF backfill payments and gap period revenues. Accordingly, we withhold recommendation on the administration’s proposal to provide $51 million in local government hardship funding.

Another Property Tax Shift? [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - [Publication Details] HTML Description: Similar to the 1990s, the budget proposes to shift $1.3 billion of property taxes from local governments to K-14 districts and reduce state education spending by an equal amount.

New Mandates: Analysis of Measures Requiring Reimbursement [Publication Details]

Dec 30, 2003 - In 2002 and 2003, the Commission on State Mandates determined that 23 sets of state laws impose state-reimbursable mandates on local governments. The commission estimated the state's cost to reimburse local agencies for these mandates is about $400 million.

Mandates: Overview of Process and Issues [Publication Details]

May 28, 2003 - Presented to Assembly Special Committee on State Mandates on May 28, 2003.

General Government: Mandates [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2003 - The administration proposes to defer the costs of all general government mandates on local governments. By the end of the budget year, the state would owe over $1.2 billion to noneducation local governments. We recommend the Legislature adopt the general policy of either funding its mandate obligations or eliminating the state's liability for the mandate.

Animal Control State Mandate [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2003 - Animal Control State Mandate [Publication Details] Description: We recommend the Legislature suspend the mandate to reimburse local governments for the increased costs resulting from animal control. Furthermore, we recommend the Legislature refer the matter to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee for review.