Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2009 Initiative Analysis: Comprehensive Tax Reform Initiative (Amendment #1-S)

The Board of Equalization would be responsible for administering the land tax. Counties would collect the tax. The board would work with county governments to develop procedures for consistent assessments of land values.

Building Permits Update: September 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Nov 1, 2021 - Los Angeles County led as usual with 1,197 units, far ahead of Contra Costa with 413, San Diego with 372, and (uncharacteristically) Yolo with 285. No other county broke 200 units. Nonresidential construction permit activity remains very weak.

State Fiscal Effects of California’s Minimum Wage

Nov 15, 2017 - As shown in the bottom row of the figure, the higher statewide minimum wage will affect General Fund revenues, primarily due to its effects on the personal income tax (PIT) and the sales and use tax (SUT), the two largest state revenue sources.

[PDF] Update California: California's 1994 Crime Rate

Update California: California's 1994 Crime Rate Burglary Rape Among the ten largest counties, sheriffs' departments generally reported slight in- creases in the rates from 1993 to 1994. Sacramento County had the largest increase at nearly 7 percent, while Orange County had the biggest decrease at 14 percent.

U.S. Retail Sales Update: July 2022 [EconTax Blog]

Aug 17, 2022 - U.S. retail sales (seasonally adjusted) remained nearly unchanged from June to July.

Disposal and Recycling of Single-Use Plastic Packaging and Foodware. [Ballot]

Dec 26, 2019 - Local governments, generally cities and counties, are responsible for the collection and disposal of solid waste. Local governments may provide these services directly or by contracting with a private company (such as a waste hauler).

[PDF] An Overview of the Governor's Realignment Proposal

2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E February 14, 2011  1991 Realignment  Increased county funding ratios for many health and social services programs.  Provided counties with dedicated funds (sales tax and vehicle license fee monies).  Trial Court Realignment (1997 and Later Years)  Shifted responsibility for operation of

[PDF] An Overview of the Governor's Realignment Proposal

2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E January 26, 2011 ; 1991 Realignment „ Increased county funding ratios for many health and social services programs. „ Provided counties with dedicated funds (sales tax and vehicle license fee monies). ; Trial Court Realignment (1997 and Later Years) „ Shifted responsibility for operation of

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 19 (Health and Social Services/Professional)

Sep 1, 2023 - Unit 19’s current members are represented by the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees ( Local 2620). The administration posted on its website the agreement , a summary of the agreement , and a summary of the administration’s estimate of the agreement’s fiscal effects .

[PDF] Fair Tax Act, Amendment No. 1-S

Replacement With New Taxes. The measure establishes that a VAT and an ad valorem tax on fuel may be levied locally but only by cities and counties. The various restrictions regarding the VAT base are identical to those governing the state.