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Criminal Justice (3)
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Results for housing in Criminal Justice from the current year

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The 2024-25 Budget: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

Feb 22, 2024 - People housed in higher ‑security yards live in cells, while people housed in lower ‑security yards generally live in open dormitories. In some cases, people with the same security level must still be housed separately due to safety concerns.

Assessing Community College Programs at State Prisons

Jul 1, 2024 - The federal government does not allow Pell  Grants to be used for costs to house incarcerated  students. Assessment In this section, we provide our assessment of community college education at state prisons.

The 2024-25 Budget: Judicial Branch

Feb 23, 2024 - Funding may be provided for discretionary use or for specific purposes (su ch as specifically for housing-related issues). For discretionary monies, 90  percent generally supports free civil legal services for low-income people whose income is at or below 200  percent of the federal poverty level or who are eligible for certain federal benefits.