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Results for irish state pension in Ballot from the past 5 years

132 results

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Proposed constitutional initiative regarding how Californians vote and the composition of the State Senate. [Ballot]

Oct 9, 2019 - Establishes Ranked-Choice Voting for State and Federal Offices. Under the measure, Californians would use ranked-choice ballots to elect candidates in statewide primary and general elections. The offices affected by the measure include state a nd federal elected offices —including the eight elected state executive offices (Governor, Lieutenant

Proposed statutory initiative related to psilocybin. [Ballot]

Nov 12, 2019 - Reduction in Various State and Local Costs. The measure would reduce costs to the state and local governments by reducing the number of psilocybin offenders incarcerated in state prison and county jail, as well as the number placed under community supervision (such as county probation).

Constitutional initiative regarding a nonpartisan, unicameral, state Legislature. [Ballot]

Oct 8, 2019 - Census, the State Constitution requires the Citizens Redistricting Commission to establish new district boundaries for the U.S. Congress, State Assembly, State Senate, and State Board of Equalization.

Disposal and Recycling of Single-Use Plastic Packaging and Foodware. [Ballot]

Dec 26, 2019 - Specifies Funding Levels for Certain Existing State Programs. This measure also requires that the budgets for certain state natural resources departments continue to receive at least the same level of General Fund support in future years as is included in the state ’s 2019-20 budget.

Proposed statutory initiative related to the state's initiative, referendum, and recall processes. [Ballot]

Oct 8, 2019 - In any event, the one-time state and local costs to develop this new system likely would total in the millions of dollars or more. Ongoing Costs or Savings. Over time, after the development of the online petition system, the state and local government net costs or savings from this measure would depend on the system that the Secretary of State develops under this measure.

Proposition 15 [Ballot]

Nov 3, 2020 - Summary of Legislative Analyst ’s Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact Increased property taxes on commercial properties worth more than $3  million providing $6.5  billion to $11.5  billion in new funding to local governments and schools.

Proposed statutory initiative related to the cultivation, sale, and use of cannabis. [Ballot]

Oct 8, 2019 - Reduction in State and Local Fee Revenues and Regulatory Costs. The measure would result in lower state and local license fee revenue —likely in excess of $100  million annually —because it would limit state license fees for cannabis businesses to no more than $1,000.

Proposed statutory initiative related to the cultivation, sale, and use of cannabis. [Ballot]

Oct 8, 2019 - Reduction in State and Local Fee Revenues and Regulatory Costs. The measure would result in lower state and local license fee revenue —likely in excess of $100  million annually —because it would limit state license fees for cannabis businesses to no more than $1,000.

Chronic Dialysis Clinics [Ballot]

Jan 3, 2020 - No Other Fiscal Effects Apart from the relatively minor impact on state costs that is covered by fees, we find that the measure would have no other significant effects on state and local governments.

Medical Malpractice Cases [Ballot]

Nov 15, 2019 - State Trial Court Costs. This measure could potentially increase the number of medical malpractice cases and thereby increase costs for state trial courts. It could also potentially increase the length of cases, which would increase costs for state trial courts as well.