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Results for quezon city transfer of ownership in Health from the past 5 years

34 results

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The 2020-21 Budget: Re-Envisioning Medi-Cal—The CalAIM Proposal

Feb 28, 2020 - Researchers recently published a high ‑quality study of a program in Camden, Massachusetts that delivered intensive clinical, social supportive, and case management services to “super ‑utilizers ” of health care services —a population comprising less than 0. 5  p ercent of the city ’s population but that accounted for 11  p ercent of the city ’s hospital ’s expenditures.

The 2021-22 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 10, 2021 - The Governor links these base increases to CSU and UC meeting three expectations: (1)  developing a plan to eliminate their achievement gaps by 2025, (2)  permanently increasing the share of courses they offer online by at least 10  percentage points over their pre-pandemic levels, and (3)  establishing “dual admissions ” pathways designed to simplify and expedite student transfer from community colleges to CSU and UC.

The 2019-20 Budget: Using Proposition 56 Funding in Medi-Cal to Improve Access to Quality Care

Feb 22, 2019 - In this case, risk is transferred from the state to managed care plans, as plans are required to deliver services even if, in a given year, the costs exceed the funding provided. . . . As Well as Drawbacks.

The 2019-20 May Revision: Analysis of the Governor’s January and May Mental Health Workforce Proposals

May 16, 2019 - Ensure Against Awarding Transfers From High-Need Regions. Currently, awardees may have previously worked in one county facing a mental health workforce shortage and moved to work in another —and be eligible for an award.