Results for snohomish county lodging tax from the past 5 years

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Building Permits Update: August 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Oct 6, 2021 - Los Angeles County led as usual with 1,394 units followed by San Diego County with 871. San Francisco permitted 578 units, its most since January 2019. Nonresidential construction permit activity remains very weak.

The 2020-21 Budget: Analysis of the Department of State Hospitals Budget

Feb 11, 2020 - These programs could be administered by local entities other than county mental health departments includi ng, but not limited to, county departments of public health, county public guardians, or county public defenders.

Building Permits Update: March 2021 [EconTax Blog]

May 11, 2021 - The Inland Empire, Sacramento, and Los Angeles areas had the most permits as usual, but the Oakland area and Orange County also posted high totals. California builders recorded 5,384 multifamily permits in March.

The 2021-22 Budget: State Board of Equalization [Publication Details]

Feb 23, 2021 - The Governor's proposed 2021-22 appropriation for the Board of Equalization (BOE) is $31.8 million, 30 percent higher than the amount spent in 2019-20. Due to vacancies, BOE spent just $24.5 million of its $31.3 million appropriation in 2019-20. This post discusses issues for the Legislature to consider as it decides how much to appropriate for BOE in the 2021-22 budget.

The 2021-22 Budget: State Board of Equalization

Feb 23, 2021 - Later in 2017, the Legislature passed two laws —A B  102 and A B  131 —that transferred most of BOE ’s programs, budget, staff, and facilities to the newly created California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) and Office of Tax Appeals (OTA).

Home Prices Update: February 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Apr 5, 2021 - The graph below shows appreciation over the past 12 months for the state ’s 15 largest counties, and suggests that the shift to remote work has been a key factor in recent price changes. San Francisco has long been northern California ’s largest business hub, and historically a large share of its work force has commuted in from other counties.

Proposition 20 [Ballot]

Nov 3, 2020 - County Jail and/or Community Supervision. People who have no current or past convictions for serious, violent, or sex crimes are typically sentenced to county jail or are supervised by county probation officers in the community, or both.

The 2023-24 Budget: California State Library

Apr 19, 2023 - In California, local public libraries can be operated by counties, cities, special districts, or joint powers authorities. Usually the local government operator designates a central library to coordinate activities among all the library branches within a jurisdiction.

The 2023-24 Budget: Racial and Identity Profiling Mandate

Feb 27, 2023 - Specifically, the Commission found that this requirement imposed new state-mandated activities and costs on county and city government agencies employing law enforcement officers for police protection services —but not K-12 school districts or community college districts that employ law enforcement.

Home Prices Update: January 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Feb 23, 2021 - The graph below shows appreciation over the past 12 months for the state ’s 15 largest counties, and suggests that the shift to remote work has been a key factor in recent price changes. San Francisco has long been northern California ’s largest business hub, and historically a large share of its work force has commuted in from other counties.