Results for irish state pension from the past 5 years

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The 2021-22 California Spending Plan: Home- and Community-Based Services Spending Plan

Nov 1, 2021 - This post summarizes the state’s 2021-22 spending package for Home- and Community-Based Services. It is part of our Spending Plan series, which contains posts focused on each major sector of the state budget.

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Housing and Homelessness

Oct 29, 2021 - Specifically, to expedite construction of projects that have successfully acquired some state funding, this program provides accelerated funding in lieu of waiting for state tax credits. Project Roomkey.

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Housing and Homelessness [Publication Details]

Oct 29, 2021 - The budget also provides funding in other areas of the budget that could be used to address homelessness and/or housing affordability, including, the health, human services, veteran services, courts, transportation, higher education, and labor areas of the state budget.

Child custody and juvenile dependency. [Ballot]

Oct 28, 2021 - However, some or all of the county costs resu lting from increased workload could potentially be shifted to the state. This is because the California Constitution generally requires that the state fund child welfare-related co st increases resulting from state legislation.

The 2021-22 Budget: Overview of the Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 27, 2021 - CalSTA = California State Transportation Agency; ZEV = zero ‑emission vehicle; Caltrans = California Department of Transportation; CHP = California Highway Patrol; and DMV = Department of Motor Vehicles.

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Broadband Infrastructure [Publication Details]

Oct 27, 2021 - This post details the key actions and events that preceded the 2021‑22 budget agreement, outlines the agreement (including a breakdown of the 2021‑22 appropriations), and describes key components of accompanying changes in state law—Chapter 112 of 2021 (SB 156, Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review).

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Broadband Infrastructure

Oct 27, 2021 - Of the $1.072  billion, $550  million is from the state ’s ARP CCPF allocation and $522  million is from the state ’s allocation from the ARP ’s fiscal relief funds. These funds are to be deposited into a new Federal Funding Account within CPUC ’s CASF program to provide last-mile broadband infrastructure project grants.

The 2021-22 Budget: Overview of the Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 27, 2021 - Other Golden State Stimulus II. The budget includes $8. 1 b illion General Fund in Golden State Stimulus  II payments, the second round of state direct payments to lower ‑income taxpayers. Under the second round, the state will send payments to an estimated 14. 2 m illion taxpayers.

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Proposition 98 and K-12 Education [Publication Details]

Oct 25, 2021 - This post summarizes overall Proposition 98 funding and K-12 education spending in the 2021-22 budget package. It is part of our Spending Plan series, which contains posts focused on each major sector of the state budget.

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Proposition 98 and K-12 Education

Oct 25, 2021 - State law ordinarily requires districts to provide classroom-based instruction as a condition of receiving state funding. Districts must ensure this instruction meets certain daily and annual requirements for the amount of time students spend under the direct supervision of a credentialed teacher.