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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Ballot from the past 5 years

121 results

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The extraction and recovery of oil and gas, as well as fossil fuel consumption. [Ballot]

Nov 23, 2021 - Revenues in excess of the limit, over a two-year period, trigger a requirement for the state to make taxpayer rebates and additional school payments. Prohibiting Consumption and Use of Fossil Fuels Unknown Fiscal Effects.

Climate change. [Ballot]

Sep 1, 2023 - Existing law requires CARB to develop a Scoping Plan —intended to identify the state ’s strategy for achieving its GHG emissions targets —and update it every five years. Cap-and-Trade Program Is a Key State Policy for Achieving GHG Reductions.

California Public Utilities Commission and wildfires. [Ballot]

Nov 3, 2021 - Additionally, schools that participate in the  National School Lunch Program  can serve meals at no charge to students who have been rendered homeless or who participate in D-SNAP. Proposal Reassigns CPUC Functions to Other State Agencies.

California gaming activities. [Ballot]

Oct 1, 2021 - Revenues in exces s of the limit may only be used for taxpayer rebates and additional school payments. Other Fiscal Effects. This measure could result in various other fiscal impacts on the state and local governments.

Psilocybin legalization. [Ballot]

Jun 29, 2023 - The measure eliminates existing penalties under state law for people 21 years of age and over who engage in psilocybin-related activities including, possession, distribution, trans portation, and sale of psilocybin.

Renewable energy (Amendment #1). [Ballot]

Aug 22, 2023 - In recent years, the state has experienced a number of severe wildfires ignited by infrastructure owned by regula ted LSEs. In addition to additional costs for IOU ratepayers, these fires have resulted in significant response and recovery costs for the state, impacted local governments, and owners of damaged properties.

Local land use planning and zoning. [Ballot]

Sep 1, 2023 - In recent years, the state increasingly has seen issues of zoning and land use as matters of statewide concern. Nevertheless, local governments retain significant control over zon ing, land use, and housing.

Medical Malpractice Cases [Ballot]

Nov 15, 2019 - MICRA established that an injured adult party has one year after discovery of their injury to file a malpractice case, and that malpractice cases on behalf of a minor must be filed within three years from the date of injury.

Local rent control laws. [Ballot]

Feb 10, 2023 - Landlord s cannot increase rent by more than 5  percent plus inflation in a year, or 10  percent, whichever is lower. This applies to most housing that is more than 15 years old. This law lasts until January 1, 2030.

App-based rideshare and delivery drivers. [Ballot]

Dec 18, 2019 - D ue to high driver turnover, the total number who drive each year is higher —likely between 800,000 and 950,000. Though hourly pay varies and is difficult to estimate, most drivers probably make between $11 and $16 per hour, on average, after covering vehi cle expenses.