Results for irish state pension from the past 5 years

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The 2021-22 Budget: CalAIM: New Directions for Services for Seniors and Persons With Disabilities

Mar 15, 2021 - What can the state do to address potential challenges? What additional requirements should the state impose on D ‑SNPs to ensure they provide an adequate level of integration between Medi ‑Cal and Medicare?

The 2021-22 Budget: CalAIM: Equity Considerations

Mar 12, 2021 - Federal law requires the state to allow Medi ‑Cal managed care plans to choose whether —and which —ILOS benefits to offer. If managed care plans do not widely opt to provide ILOS benefits, the availability of these new services could be more limited in scope than the state ultimately desires.

Building Permits Update: January 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Mar 11, 2021 - Single family activity has rebounded strongly since the pandemic-driven spring slump, as prices have been rising in most of the state ’s metropolitan areas. This was the seventh straight month in which the total exceeded the recent average for the month.

Strengthening the CalSTRS Funding Plan [Publication Details]

Mar 10, 2021 - This report provides an overview of the 2014 California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) funding plan, and analyzes the various challenges and complexities of the plan that have come to light that may impede CalSTRS’ ability to successfully eliminate the system’s unfunded actuarial obligation (UAO) by 2046.

Strengthening the CalSTRS Funding Plan

Mar 10, 2021 - Appendix Glossary of Key Terms Related to Pension Funds Throughout this report, we refer to terms commonly used when describing pension funds. We define those key terms here, in reference to the California State Teachers ’ Retirement System (CalSTRS).

The 2021-22 Budget: Various CSU Proposals

Mar 9, 2021 - (State law makes an exception for debt service on university bonds, explicitly authorizing CSU to pledge revenues across its accounts.) State Law Authorizes Internal Borrowing Across CSU Accounts. State law explicitly authorizes CSU to borrow funds from one of its accounts for another account.

The 2021-22 Budget: Various CSU Proposals [Publication Details]

Mar 9, 2021 - This post analyzes four of the Governor’s budget proposals for the California State University (CSU). Specifically, the post covers proposals relating to CSU Stanislaus’s off-campus center in Stockton, the Computing Talent Initiative based at CSU Monterey Bay, CSU’s ability to transfer funds among its accounts, and summer-term student financial aid.

A Review of State Standards and Inspections for Local Detention Facilities [Publication Details]

Mar 8, 2021 - A Review of State Standards and Inspections for Local Detention Facilities [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2021-22 Budget: University Capital Outlay [Publication Details]

Mar 5, 2021 - In this post, we focus on university capital outlay projects. We first provide background on university capital financing and project review. We then review capital outlay proposals for the California State University (CSU) and the University of California (UC). Next, we raise some concerns with the previously authorized UC Merced medical school project and make an associated recommendation.

The 2021-22 Budget: University Capital Outlay

Mar 5, 2021 - Provisional budget language stated intent that the projects be financed by state ‑supported university bonds. In September 2019, UC submitted to the state a proposal for the Riverside project, which totaled $ 100  m illion in associated bond authority.