Results for snohomish county lodging tax from the past 5 years

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December 2018 and January 2019 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog]

Feb 6, 2019 - State and Local Tax (SALT) Deduction Created Incentive to Pay State Taxes by the End of the Year. Prior to 2018, all state and local tax payments could be deducted on federal tax returns. This tax deduction created an incentive for filers to pay their state taxes before the end of the calendar year.

The 2019-20 Budget: Structuring the Budget: Reserves, Debt and Liabilities

Feb 5, 2019 - Revenues from taxes and fees are the major sources of available resources. The three largest sources of state revenues are the personal income tax (PIT), sales tax, and corporation tax. While some revenue sources, like the sales tax, grow relatively steadily from one year to the next, the PIT is quite volatile —in most years growing by billions of dollars and in some years shrinking by billions of dollars.

Building Permits Update: December 2018 [EconTax Blog]

Feb 1, 2019 - However, a few counties — Alameda, Orange, San Diego, and San Joaquin —experienced especially high year-over-year declines.   Data source: CIRB (Construction Industry Research Board), a service provided by the California Homebuilding Foundation .

Need-Based Financial Aid Award Amounts [EdBudget]

Jan 16, 2019 - The Cal Grant B Access Award consists of a statutory amount funded by state General Fund ($1,648) and a supplemental amount funded by the College Access Tax Credit. The size of the supplement each year depends on the level of tax credit funds.

The 2019-20 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 14, 2019 - Shifts Some County IHSS Costs to General Fund, Potentially Addressing Some State ‑County Cost ‑Sharing Issues. The budget proposes a number of changes to the mechanism by which the state provides counties with funding for IHSS costs.

Proposition 98 Property Tax Revenue Estimates Under Governor's Budget [EdBudget]

Jan 11, 2019 - Proposition 98 Property Tax Revenue Estimates Under Governor's Budget [EdBudget] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Main Types of Disaster Recovery Assistance

Jan 10, 2019 - Property Tax Relief. Under state law, the county assessor may reduce the assessed value of property damaged in a disaster to reflect the damage. The reduced value remains until the property is fully repaired, restored, or reconstructed.

Main Types of Disasters and Associated Trends

Jan 10, 2019 - Since 1992, every county in California has been declared a federal disaster area at least once for a flooding event. However, some portions of the state —such as parts of the Sacramento Valley —are more prone to flooding than others.

How California Governments Respond to Disasters

Jan 10, 2019 - In 2018, this threshold was $1.46 per person in the state (about $58  million for California) and $3.68 per person in the affected county (about $4,000 in Alpine County and $37  million in Los Angeles County).

Building Permits Update: November 2018 [EconTax Blog]

Jan 4, 2019 - Certain areas, like Alameda, Los Angeles, Santa Clara, and Sacramento counties have had notable slowing in recent months. On the other hand, multifamily permitting in Contra Costa, Orange, and San Francisco counties in recent months has been above of 2017 levels.