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[PDF] A Commuter’s Dilemma: Extra Cash or Free Parking?

While the law by design affects a very limited share of the state’s free parking spaces statewide, it provides an additional tool for the state to reduce com- mute driving and alleviate congestion and pollution emission.

[PDF] Citizen Legislature Act

Among the factors the com- mission must consider when adjusting the salary and certain benefits of legislators is the amount of time that they require to perform official duties, functions, and services.

[PDF] California Update: Per Pupil Funding Under Proposition 98: What Do the Coming Years Hold?

The fig- ure shows that, under either scenario, a com- bination of [ow revenue growth and required repayments of Proposition 98 loans is likely to (1) result in no appreciable growth in per-pupil spending in 1994-95 and (2) hold 1995-96 increases between 1 and 3 percent.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Public Works

. $30,000 is proposed for making of project investigations for 1947-48 as com- pared with $1,000 estimated expenditures for 1946-47. This accounts for all but $1,840 of the proposed total increase in expenditures for 1947-48.


Only during the past few months has the Recreation Com- mission suggested to governmental units requesting surveys, etc., that the agency requesting the service supply local staff to assist in the field work.

[PDF] Proposition 83: The Sexual Predator Punishment and Control Act: Jessica's Law

This measure makes more sex offenders eligible for an SVP commitment by (1) reducing from two to one the number of prior victims of sexually violent offenses that qualify as an offender for an SVP commitment, (2) making additional prior offenses “countable” for purposes of an SVP commitment, and (3) requiring that SVPs be committed by the court to a state mental hospital for an unde- termined period of time rather than the renewable two-year com- mitment.

LAO Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget: Education, Teacher Support and Development

Linked to Teacher Support and Development Standards. To provide some overall direction and guidance, we recommend linking the block grant to standards for teacher support and professional development.

2001 Budget Analysis: K-12 Databases

This data would be linked with the test results to provide the data for the database. The CSIS Identifier Would Link Records Over Time. The CSIS identifier is a number assigned by CSIS to each individual student in the state.

[PDF] Status Check: Uses and Costs of Lease-Payment Bonds

As more of the projects Le;ase,·P~lyrrlent Bond Debt Service nruuu11 2004-05 1990-91 (In Millions) funded with these bonds are com- pleted, we estimate that the debt service will increase to $600 million in 2000-01.

[PDF] Community Hospital Taxes (Version 5)

Federal Funding Related Requirements The measure prohibits the imposition and collection of charges by the state on com- munity hospitals for the purpose of obtaining additional federal funds unless the fol- lowing federal matching requirements are met:  Required Federal Matching Level.