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Redevelopment After Reform: A Preliminary Look

Linking Expenditure With Blight Agencies must adopt implementation plans describing their goals and objectives, and programs and planned expenditures for the next five years. Agencies must explain how their goals, objectives, programs and expenditures will eliminate blight.

[PDF] Redevelopment After Reform: A Preliminary Look

. • Link redevelopment expenditures to the specific com- munity problems giving rise to the creation of the rede- velopment project area. • Increase public awareness and input into the redevelop- ment process.

[PDF] Supplemental Analysis 1994-95 Budget Bill: Department of Finance

That is because the state's various computer systems have been implemented on a fairly independent basis, with no provision that the informa- tion be linked except in a few isolated instances, such as law enforcement.

[PDF] The 1995-96 Budget Act and Related Legislation

The Legislature adopted Budget Act language requiring the com- mission to contract with the Bureau of State Audits for reviews of the extent to which the SAC has (1) addressed concerns raised in an independent review of the automated Financial Aid Processing System (FAPS) and (2) ensured competition in a request for pro- posal the commission intends to release to procure a maintenance contractor for FAPS.

New Funding Model for Special Education -- Part I

(See the next chapter for additional di scussion of this issue.) Understandable Formula All of the LEA staff with whom we met believed the current funding formula to be too complex to be easily understood.

New Funding Model for Special Education -- Part II

With respect to the link with poverty, research indicates that poverty is associated with the need for compensatory education services, not special education. Thus, we do not reco mmend an adjustment in special education funding for high poverty areas.

October 1995 Cal Update

The increase is encouraging becaus e it is from sources which are closely linked to current economic activity. For example, withholding payments, which reflect California employment and wages, were up nearly 8 perce nt from the prior year in the July-through-September period.

Regardless of the number of ballots received for a referendum,

Regardless of the number of ballots received for a referendum, the nominee for each commissioner slot with the most weighted votes from assessed businesses within that industry category shall be elected commissioner.

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

It is also the intent of the Legislature that the UC, working with staff from the DOF and the LAO, develop a plan to fully address its backlog of deferred maintenance through a com bination of funding sources, including through capital outlay renovation projects.

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

San Francisco JS/UI/DI Office--Renovation and Asbestos Abatement. The amount of $6,678,000 is provided for construction to renovate 64,000 gsf to correct seismic deficiencies, remove asbestos, replace major HVAC systems and controls, interior fi nishes and partition changes and new finishes, lighting up grades, and comply with ADA requirements.