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Major Features of the 1996 California Budget

This results in com bined General Fund cost avoidance and savings of $199 million in 1996-97. Implementation of the 4.9 percent grant reduction is contingent upon federal approval. The maximum monthly grant for a family of three will be reduced from $594 to $565 in high-cost counties and to $538 in low-cost counties.

[PDF] Major Features of the 1996 California Budget Budget Brief

As discussed above, com- pared to the 1995 Budget Act, K-12 Proposition 98 funding increased by $2.5 billion in 1996-97. Of this amount, the ▲ K-12 Education Budget Summary 1995-96 and 1996-97 (Dollars in Millions) K-12 Proposition 98 General Fund $15,850.3 $17,237.9 Local property taxes 8,585.8 8,630.2 Totals, K-12 $24,436.0 $25,868.0 Average Daily Attendance (ADA) 5,283,822

[PDF] update

In 1995-96, the Tobacco Control Sec- tion within the DHS (1) disbursed $10.2 million to county and city health departments to fund local tobacco prevention and cessation programs, (2) awarded $9.8 million in com- petitive grants to community-based programs targeting high-risk populations, (3) contracted for a $12.2 million tobacco prevention media campaign, and (4) spent $3.1 million to evalu- ate state smoking trends.

[PDF] Policy Brief Class Size Reduction

In fact, many districts com- mented in our CSR survey that the Page 22 Legislative Analyst's Office state should set aside full per-pupil The only difference would be in how funding for the program. Some much flexibility they would have in districts advocating higher per- spending the funds. student levels indicated that this would help the districts because the funds would not then be subject to collective bargaining.

SRI International--Charter Schools Effectiveness

Is your school's program significantly different from other schools' in the di strict? If so, in what ways? (Probe for innovation) Is this school different from what was proposed in the petition? If so, how?

SRI International--Charter Schools Effectiveness

Although not directly related to pedagogy or curriculum, these changes are inextricably linked to principles of te aching and learning. In these cases, it can be difficult to separate such organizational changes or "innovations" from the academic ones.


This minimum coverage is com- monly referred to as a “mini-policy.” It typically requires 100 percent coverage for the residen- tial dwelling at the same value as the basic homeowners’ policy, with a 15 percent deduct- ible.

May 1997 Cal Update

The number of AFDC-linked Medi-Cal eligibles has declined by more than 3  percent over the last twelve months. This compares with a budget estimate of only about a 1  percent decline in the current year.


Thus, this change would tend to give more weight to TANF collections, com- pared to the existing system. The new formula would also remove the existing 115 percent cap which, as noted above, limits the amount of non- TANF incentive payments.

Taking Advantage of New Federal Higher Education Tax Credits

New program funding for the higher education segments linked to measured improvements in educational outcomes-such as improved retention of students, improved transfer of students from the CCC to the four-year colleges, and improved times-to-degree.