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Substance Abuse Treatment in California: Services Are Cost-Effective to Society

Just under 70,000 publicly funded treatment slots were available on September 30, 1998, according to DADP. Recovery programs accounted for 92 percent of the available slots, whil e detoxification programs made up the remaining 8 percent.

[PDF] An LAO Services Are Cost-Effective to Society Substance Abuse Treatment in California

The department also esti- mates that it would cost $63 million annually (subsumed in the preced- ing estimate) to create enough new treatment slots to serve all persons currently on the counties’ waiting lists for these services.

Higher Education "Compacts": An Assessment

A multiyear funding agreement would reduce the importance of this annual review and oversight process and, as a result, make segmental funding less closely linked to performanc e. Weakening the link between performance and funding would reduce the segments' incentive to increase program quality and productivity.

The Role of Water Transfers in Meeting California's Water Needs

By doing so, the Legislature can provide more consistent and com prehensive protection to third parties impacted by transfers. Specifically, we recommend that statutory criteria related to the economic impacts of transfers apply to a broader gro up of transfers than currently and that there be more comprehensive protection of groundwater resources affected by transfers.

10-27-1999 Follow-Up to Commission on State Mandates

Local "Freeze" and "Fully Funding" Should Not Be Linked Throughout the analysis, the staff links two fiscal concepts: "freezing the local general fund contribution" and "fully funding the Master Plan."

State Corporate Taxation of Sales to the Federal Government

Judging from the responses and feedback we received from other com panies, the effect on the remaining companies would be more mixed. Changing California Law Would Involve Trade-Offs Given the above findings, it appears that changing California's apportionment treatment by shifting from origin to destination for U.S. government sales would involve some signific ant trade-offs.


Owner rejected argument that TDRs constitute a form of com- pensation. • Case settled May 1999 before going to trial, with TRPA paying $600,000 for landowner’s attorneys’ fees and property. • Settlement leaves TRPA’s regulations, including TDR provisions, intact.

[PDF] California's Tax Expenditure Programs: Overview

WHY REVIEWING TEPS IS IMPORTANT A periodic review of tax expenditure programs is important because, like direct expenditure programs, they constitute a com- mitment of resources. Direct expenditure programs are reviewed and funded during the course of the annual state budget process.

[PDF] LAO HOV Lanes in California: Are They Achieving Their Goals?

(Congestion was defined as 15 minute intervals during peak com- mute periods in which vehicles travel at speeds of 35 mph or lower.) u Approximately 40 percent of the state’s urban freeways are congested.

[PDF] LAO Report Child Support Enforcement: Implementing the Legislative Reforms of 1999

The transfer process is to be com- pleted by January 1, 2003. THE FTB CHILD SUPPORT COLLECTIONS PROGRAM Program History. In 1993, the FTB began a pilot project to collect delinquent payments in six counties.