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[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Natural Resources

It is imperative that such an inventory and evaluation be made so that not only can areas of need be established, but state money will not be wasted in performing investigations in areas already com- pletely analyzed.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Public Health

Economies and Improvements Requiring Legislation Section 383b of the California Penal Code provides that it is a misdemeanor, punishable by fine or imprisonment, to sell or offer 'for sale as kosher meat, with intent to defraud products which do not com- ply with orthodox Hebrew religious requirements or to fail to indicate by specified means proper displays indicating whether the food is kosher meat or nonkosher as the case may be.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Public Works

The major increases in the budget year are attributable to two factors, the first being brought about by the passage of Chapter 872, Statutes of 1957, which requires that: "Each member of the commission shall receive his actual and necessary expenses and $25 a day for attending meetings of the com- mission or while acting under its orders."

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Social Welfare

This recognition of services appears to be a growing 642 Item 244 Social Welfare Department of Social Welfare-Continued trend in public welfare and stems from the claim by public assistance workers that money payments without casework service actually com- pounds social-economic dependence in many cases.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

Water Resources Items 255, 256, 257 Department of Water Resources-Continued authorized projects for only two years-an insufficient period to com- plete any of the projects now being started, or even to place parts of the major projects into operation.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

ANALYSIS The division proposes to expend $81,819 in the budget year as com- pared with $48,163 in the current fiscal year. Although the detail for the current year's budg~t indicates an em- ployment of 9.2 personnel, four of those positions are detailed as new positions in the budget year.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

AID TO COUNTIES FOR TUBERCULOSIS SANITORIA ITEM 439 of the Budget Bill Budget page 934 FOR ASSISTANCE TO COUNTIES AND CITIES FOR TUBERCULOSIS SANITORIA FROM THE GENERAL FUND Amount requested ______________________________________________ $4,570,750 Estimated to be expended in 1957-58 Fiscal year___________________ 4,406,445 Increase (3.7 percent) ___________________________________________

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

Budget Committee instructions In line with the express wishes of the Joint Legislative Budget Com- mittee this report distinguishes between (1) workload factors which support proposed expenditures during the coming year based on con- tinuing the programs established in the 1958 Budget Act, and (2) new or expanded services proposed in the budget for the 1959-60 Fiscal Year.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Legislative Branch

Also, indi- vidual members may introduce separate resolutions directing the com- mission to study particular SUbjects. Thereby, the commission examines existing law and recommends needed reforms, takes under considera- tion recommendations presented by other sources, recommends neces- sary changes to remove antiquated and inequitable rules of law, and furnishes to the Legislature reports on selected studies.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

Department of Agriculture POULTRY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION ITEM 37 of the Budget Bill Budget page 54 FOR SUPPORT OF POULTRY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION FROM THE POULTRY TESTING PROJECT FUND Amount requested ______________________________________________ $153,780 Estimated to be expended in 1958-59 Fiscal year___________________ 149,236 Ilicrease (3.0 percent) ___________________________________________